GW Tickles Tau With NERF Bat: 40k Greater Good FAQ

new-faq-tau-greater-goodGW just tickled Tau with their NERF bat in their latest 40k update. Don’t miss the biggest FAQ changes for Psychic Awakening Greater Good.

Coming from Warhammer Community, they’ve just dropped the FAQ on the latest Psychic Awakening book. Before you play your next game, read over these highlights!

Note: We’ll be going over the bigger changes made. If you play any of the factions covered in the book, we recommend you read the full FAQ page yourself.

The Greater Good Gets Hit With FAQ: Tau & Guard Changes SPOTTED

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the greater good FAQ 1The first thing isn’t really a “change”. But GW posted Shadowsuns rules in the FAQ list so you don’t have to hunt down the original pic with her points on the web. Of course, it was never really a big deal for people that use Battlescribe but still nice to see it was included.

shadowsun point costs tau greater good

Next, we have the restriction on prototype weapon systems. It’s no surprise that this was FAQ’d. It was busted for a hot minute letting units double-up on relic-level firepower. Now, it behaves just like all other special wargear across every faction in 40k.

Another big talking point is that the Cyclic Ion Blaster’s Overcharge ability was reworded to make a bit more sense as well.

TauXV109YvahraBattlesuit01Probably the biggest hit to Tau fans might have been the new wording that hit the Modulated Weaponry Strat. Now, you can’t make the Forge World Tau Suits like the Y’Vahra nerd rage anymore. It limits the Strat to what GW probably saw as the intended use originally, Riptides and Ghostkeels. -womp womp

the greater good FAQ 2Some other talking points on Tau are that for the Farsight Enclaves, you can’t boost your Drones to a better BS. The Veteran Cadre Strat now specifically excludes Drones.

tempestus 1 guard astra hor warFor the Guard, the Blessed Bolt Pistol had its profile changed to a 12″ Pistol 2 weapon. It used to be an awkward and outright unusable “Boltgun” with a 12″ range. The funny thing is that there is no 9th Iotan Dragons Character model that could even carry a Boltgun in the first place.

Some Big Questions Answered

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Now that some of the bigger changes have been covered, it’s time to dive into some of the more popular questions that players have been asking.

up-gunned tenet faqThe Tau took another big hit with GW excluding any kind of special burst cannon from the list.

hybridised weaponryHybridised Weaponry also got a look when players were saying that it added 4″ to every range profile. However, it got reigned back a bit with the rule only effecting the total range.

wilderness survivors faqFor Wilderness Survivors, if you issue the Move! Move! Move! order, you’ll lose out on your bonus. It’s weird because orders are issued in the shooting phase and with the way things are worded, Wilderness Survivors only checks to see if you advanced in the previous movement phase. However, GW is still ruling that the bonus turns off.

full payload faqAnother big question for Guard players was on Full Payload for the Tank Aces. The answer is no, you can’t pump mortal wounds into the enemy with this ability. It only checks the damage of the weapon; not the additional rules that come with it.

GSC Didn’t Get Touched At All

Genestealer Cult New 40k Genestealer Cult Codex Rules LATESTThe way things are looking, GSC didn’t get touched at all in this FAQ pass. If you’re a GSC player, be sure to tell us if that helped you out or hurt you. It’s definitely odd that GW didn’t have anything to say on the faction at all.

There you have it,  if your faction is in this book (sorry GSC players) you’ll definitely want to read over everything. Overall, it looks like some big, obvious changes were made and for the better.

Are you going to have to go back to the drawing board for your army after this FAQ? What are some of the best synergies your army has to use after the latest rule rewordings? Why did GW overlook GSC?

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