X-Wing Continues to Slide As GW Tops the Charts For 2019

Space Marine Ultramarines Hd Desktop Wall horX-Wing continues to slide as Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar keep killing the hobby game. Take a look at the top 5 miniatures lines for 2019!

ICv2 puts out a poll twice a year ranking the Top 5 most popular non-collectible miniature lines. With huge companies like Games Workshop, WizKids, and Fantasy Flight Games in the mix, we’ve seen popularity rise and fall over the years.

Let’s take a look at the poll from Spring 2019 first:

ICv2 Wal Hor

Most Popular Miniature lines of Spring 2019

top 5 mini line spring 2019Getting a look at an earlier Spring poll from ICv2, we have a baseline for where some of the biggest brands in the hobby world stood. With GW reigning supreme at the top with 40k and AoS, Fantasy Flight had their two biggest miniatures titles at the bottom. While they may be at the bottom, don’t forget that being in the Top 5 listing for the most popular miniature lines in the world is still a big deal.

Now let’s jump to the latest poll

Most Popular Miniature lines of Fall 2019

top 5 mini line fall 2019Checking out the latest poll results from Fall 2019, there haven’t been many changes at all. 40k, AoS, and D&D minis kept their places on the list. However, Legion jumped ahead of X-Wing. Probably because of Legion’s steady releases across all the factions. Meanwhile, we haven’t seen too much on X-Wing as of late.

These changes might be really small between two seasons from last year. But if you want to compare the latest poll with the previous polls dating back to 2018 and 2017, we’ve actually covered them all in an earlier post!

Spoiler alert Warhammer 40k claimed back the top spot in the Spring of 2018, after the release of X-wing 2.0 the previous summer (2017).

Does it surprise you to see 40k and AoS at the top of the charts? Do you like X-Wing or Star War Legion more? 

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