GW Unrestricts The Latest Digital Artist They Attacked

kickstarter-justice-legal-money-artists-3dGood news! The Dark Gods Kickstarter has been unrestricted by GW after they attacked the campaign and tied up backers’ money.

Yes attacked is a strong word, and we explained it last time when we explained the events on how GW went about taking down the project after it had been funded and cut off communication with the backers, we thought it would be resolved, and thankfully it has.

Dark Gods filesJaydon (Dark Gods Artist) actually said GW was pretty nice about it when they finally reached out, but unfortunately, he had to take some files out of the project. Like most smaller creators, they just don’t have the money to fight the issue, even if they are a hundred percent sure they would win.

Still, at least the project has survived and Dark Gods will live to fight another day and create even greater files! So overall, it came to the most logical conclusion, with the files in question just being taken down but the project can still run.

We also want to talk about one thing, people are hating on both him and GW, because of all this, and there is no need for hate in the community- there is always a resolution for everything.

Dark Gods Kickstarter is Unrestricted by GW

Dark GodsAs we said, a lot of the marine-styled minis were removed from the project, and while some people dropped from the project there are a ton of awesome files still on there! You can check out everything left here.

If you want to learn about all the updates with the project, you can join his Discord channel. Overall this was probably the easiest and best way for this to resolve without a serious legal battle.

We hope in the future GW would do things a little differently. We 100% support their right to protect their IP, we just wish they weren’t so heavy-handed when it comes to how they deal with it.

Dark God’s Statement

Dark Gods 2I agree with many comments I am seeing, the compromise was rough however it means the brand Dark Gods SURVIVES to fight another day! It’s also important to remember I am still at the full mercy of GW for the time being and whilst the campaign wraps up, So it is in my best interest, and yours – to not release the sculpts in question. Also please try not to be too hard on them here. They may be in the group already after all haha! AND – as much as we all feel saddened by the decision. GW didn’t have to play ball at all.

They could have refused to contact me and let the entire set die in the water. However, they actually stepped up and had a great conversation with me. I also would have to work on the ‘fixed’ sculpts WITH GW to get them to a release state that was different enough, and how do we all think that would possibly go lol.

I also lost a lot of backers, most of the emails were about that. So whilst we all see KS reaching one amount, It looks like the campaign won’t reach anywhere near that. I am thankful for all the support and those who remain but let’s all just remember the purpose of Kickstarter is to fund an idea, to help a brand survive and thrive, and offer the content it can. Like Icarus, I flew too close to the sun and my wings were burned, but Dark Gods survived. There is a lot of discussions online saying I deserved this for copying Death Guard, but please know from the bottom of my heart I was trying to do something new and unique. I truly thought I did that, but It was deemed as coming too close. I don’t have the time or money to fight that decision.

Love you all :heart: Thank you

Final Thoughts

Dark Gods 3As we said many times, we support GW’s right to protect their IP. So if you’re creating something, take this as a cautionary tale. We’re happy this was resolved before too long and people can still get some amazing files. We’ll leave with this, don’t let hate consume your hobby.

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