GW’s First Forge World Datasheet Preview is Chaotic!

nurglish dreadnought by firstkeeperGames Workshop has given us another preview and it’s two of some hobbyist’s favorite things: Chaos and Dreadnoughts! Checkout a Forge World teaser.

Warhammer Community just revealed how Forge World Datasheets are going to work in 8th edition, let’s see what they had to say now that the Forge World books have been announced.

Amidst the massive line-up of new releases due for pre-order on the 3rd of June were the Forge World Imperial Armour Index books for Space Marines and their traitorous counterparts.
We haven’t really talked about Forge World miniatures in the new Warhammer 40,000 yet, but now that the new books are confirmed, let’s take a look at a datasheet from one.

Leviathan Dread Profile

Looks like the maths are in, and armor 13 is going to equate to T8 and 14 wounds (?) now. Checkout that to hit and to wound, 2+ on each, plus a move of 8″ until it loses the first tier of wounds.

Good luck getting the Emperor to protect you from this brute!

This guy is a Leviathan Dreadnought. And more than that, a Chaos one! The traitor’s look like they have opened up their 10,000-year-old vault of Legion Dreadnoughts for the new Warhammer 40,000. Against those new Primaris Space Marines, we’re sure Chaos players will appreciate the reinforcement.

Just a cursory glance at the stats on this guy, and we can see that he is an absolute monster! Some of the larger walkers, which previously fell a little short of super-heavy status in the last edition, do very well out of the new Warhammer 40,000 (Orks also do pretty well here).

Kitted out either for combat, shooting or a mix of both, this Dreadnought is going to wreck face. All of those weapons are looking like good options. There’s even a ranged weapon that kicks out mortal wounds – one of only a handful in the entire game. We think we’re veering towards a grav-flux bombard and hellforged siege drill as our favourite kit though. You budding Chaos Lords will have to decide for yourselves.

New 40k Forge World Leviathan Dread

And that’s just one unit in one of the two Forge World Index books accompanying the launch of the new edition. And there will be more Index books on the way very soon after for other Forge World Imperial as well as xenos units.

The new Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought is coming out looking like an absolute monster! With 7 different weapon options you will have more than enough to choose from when deciding how you want to build this guy. It’s just as beefy as it is strong, coming in with 14 wounds and a 2+ armor save, it’s going to be tough to get this guy down!

But they dropped a nice little hint that Orks are doing pretty well also. When are we going to see something on the Orks to get some kind of proof?

What are your thoughts on the new Chaos Dreadnought? Let us know in the comments below.

Check back with us tomorrow when they reveal how missions and objectives will work in the new 8th Edition.

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