GW’s Made to Order Valhallan Guard: Pricing & Lineup

warhammer gw store new releasesThe next set of Made to Order models are here! Don’t miss your chance to pick up these classics are going on pre-order today.

These may not be “new” models, but they are still just as cool as when they were released years ago!  Let’s check out all the Made to Order releases you can get your hands on!

Commander Chenkov $10.75 (2016) $25 (2020)

dchenkov01This set includes:

– 1 Commander Chenkov with bolt pistol and power sword in 3 pieces, to use as a Company or Platoon Commander

This metal model is supplied with 1x Citadel 25mm Round Slotta Base.

Ice Warrior Squad $40.00

Valhallan Regiment This set includes 10 metal miniatures:

– 9 Guardsmen with lasguns in 8 different poses
– 1 Sergeant with bolt pistol and chainsword

These metal models are supplied with 10x Citadel 25mm Round Slotta Bases.

Valhallan Autocannon $17.25 (2016) $25 (2020)

valhallan autocannonThis set includes 2 metal miniatures:

– 1 Guardsman gunner sitting atop a wheeled autocannon
– 1 Guardsman loader standing by

These metal models are supplied with 1x Citadel 25mm Round Slotta Bases and 1x Citadel 60mm Round Base.

Valhallan Heavy Bolter $17.25  (2016) $25 (2020)

heavy boltor valhallanThis set includes 2 metal miniatures:

– 1 Guardsman gunner sitting atop a wheeled heavy bolter
– 1 Guardsman loader standing by

These metal models are supplied with 1x Citadel 25mm Round Slotta Bases and 1x Citadel 60mm Round Base.

Valhallan Mortar Team $17.25  (2016) $25 (2020)

valhallan mortaThis set includes 3 metal miniatures:

– 1 Guardsman loader holding a mortar shell
– 1 Guardsman targeter
– 1 Mortar in two pieces

These metal models are supplied with 2x Citadel 25mm Round Slotta Bases and 1x Citadel 60mm Round Base.

Valhallan Missle Launcher $25

Valhallan rocket launcherThis set includes 2 metal miniatures:

– 1 Guardsman gunner wielding a missile launcher
– 1 Guardsman loader holding a missile

These metal models are supplied with 2x Citadel 25mm Round Slotta Bases and 1x Citadel 60mm Round Base.

Valhallan Special Weapons Team $15 (2016) $30 (2020)

MTO Valhallan GuardThis set includes 3 metal miniatures:

– 1 Guardsman with meltagun
– 1 Guardsman with flamer
– 1 Guardsman with grenade launcher

These metal models are each supplied in one piece, along with Citadel 25mm Round Slotta Bases.

Valhallan Commander (Previously Valhallan Officer) $10.75 (2016) $25 (2020)


Valhallan CommanderThis set includes:

– 1 Valhallan Ice Warrior Commander with hand flamer and chainsword

This metal model is supplied with 1x Citadel 25mm Round Slotta Base.

Valhallan Platoon $100

valhallan platoonThis set includes 27 metal miniatures:

– 1 Commander Chenkov to use as a Company or Platoon Commander
– 1 Sergeant with bolt pistol and chainsword
– 1 Sergeant with hand flamer and power sword
– 18 Guardsmen with lasguns in 8 different poses
– 3 Autocannon teams, each with a crew of 2 guardsmen

These metal models are supplied with 24x Citadel 25mm Round Slotta Bases and 3x Citadel 60mm Round Bases.

Commissar Yarrick $40.00

commisar Yarrick 1995 citadel catalog


valhallan big bossThis set includes:

– 1 Commissar Yarrick in two pieces, armed with an Ork Power Klaw, bolter, and a back banner pole

This metal model is supplied with 1x Citadel 32mm Round Slotta Base.

After looking at the coming Valhallan re-release, what will you be grabbing for your Guard? Are you holding out for another Guard regiment to come back like Vostroyans or Mordians? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!