GW’s May 26th ETB Releases: First Look

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GW has repackaged their Shadspire line for you to use in your AoS army. Plus new 40k ETB bundles as well. Check out these May 26th first looks.

Come take a look at these new offerings that comes with everything you need to port these iconic champions of Shadespire into your current Age of Sigmar Games.

Easy To Build: Stormcast Eternals Steelheart’s Champions:


Easy To Build: Khorne Bloodbound Magore’s Fiends:

ETB Magores Fiends

Easy To Build: Deathrattle Sepulchral Guard:

Sepulchral Guard

Easy To Build: Stormcast Eternals The Farstriders:


Easy To Build: Khorne Bloodbound Garrek’s Reavers:


Easy To Build: Fyreslayers The Chosen Axes:

Chosen Axes

Easy To Build: Skaven Verminus Spiteclaw’s Swarm:

Spiteclaws Swarm

Easy To Build: Ironjawz Ironskull’s Boyz:

Ironskulls Boyz

Easy to Build Death Guard Collection:

Deathguard Bundle

Easy to Build Primaris Space Marines Collection:

Primaris Bundle

That’s it for this week’s pre-release roundup, be sure to check back in with us Sunday for the full description and prices of these new products.