GW’s Biggest Model? Motorized RC Baneblade

By Rob Baer | July 6th, 2017 | Categories: Offbeat, Warhammer 40k News


Who would have believed that the biggest Games Workshop model was not only a tank, but Remote Controlled to boot? Come see this massive Baneblade!

Back in the day when Forge World was starting to ramp up their brand, they commissioned a HUGE R/C replica of the Baneblade that actually worked.


It was paraded around Games Day 2004 in the UK in front of 8,000 cheering fans even!


Checkout the whole build project and more shots from Games Day 2004:


model-secret-tank-1059b model-secret-tank-1061b model-secret-tank-1062b

Sadly we don’t know what happened to this work of art, which would be almost 15 years old now.  However you can get the scoop on how it was fabricated over on Mark 1’s site below:

Mark 1 Tank Replicas – The Baneblade R/C Project

According to Lexicanum the Baneblade is one of the oldest tanks in the Imperium:

baneblade cut-away exploded view

The Baneblade is among the oldest armoured vehicles still in use by the Imperial Guard, based on rare Standard Template Construct technology dating back to the Dark Age of Technology. It is believed that entire divisions of Baneblades once served the Emperor of Mankind in his Great Crusade, but by the 41st Millennium an Imperial Guard regiment is considered fortunate if it has a single company of Baneblades, and many must make due with only one. The STC data necessary to create an original Baneblade, including the many advanced systems unique to its construction, is a closely-guarded secret limited to Mars – from which most true Baneblades originate – and a few other favoured Forge Worlds. Baneblades constructed on these worlds will be logged and registered with Mars, with their own identity number and name, and all information pertaining to their whereabouts and crew are regularly reported to their place of origination. As well, due to the nature of such a prime asset, the Adeptus Mechanicus shares responsibility with the Imperial Guard for selecting the crewmembers of a Baneblade.

More on the Baneblade: