GW’s New 40k Necromunda Releases: Pricing CONFIRMED

new release necromundaNecromunda and a bunch of other releases are just around the corner. Check out the details on everything that’s next and see what you want to grab!

Multiple retailers have confirmed the pricing on the next releases coming from Games Workshop. As we move in closer to the holiday season, here’s what you’ll be able to spend your hobby $$$ on.

Necromunda Dark Uprising Box Set $290

Necromunda dark uprising box


Necromunda dark uprising

This box has a hefty price tag. However, it’s coming with new models, (one set being an all-new gang), Zone Mortalis terrain, and more!

You get 15 new Corpse Grinder Cultists – absolutely savage fighters, starting a rebellion on Necromunda in the name of the Lord of Skin and Sinew. Facing them are the Palanite Enforcers – alongside five Patrolmen, you’ll find six new heavily armed Subjugators.

Necromunda cult

You also get 17 sprues of terrain, including 15 of new, plastic Zone Mortalis walls, columns, platforms and doors. These are the first-ever plastic Zone Mortalis kits and can be put together in innumerable ways. Whether you play Necromunda, Warhammer 40,000 or The Horus Heresy, you’ll want to get your hands on these so that you can combine the closeness of indoor firefights with the verticality and immersion of outdoor battles.

Necromunda Book of Ruin (HB) $47

The book of ruin

As well as rules for forming your own Corpse Grinder Cult gang, Helot Chaos Cult gang or Genestealer Cult gang, you can even corrupt your house gangs. The book also includes new scenarios (including multiplayer ones), new Hangers-On and Hired Guns and ways to add extra twists to your campaigns. It’s available in both hardback and ePub editions.

Overall, this book is going to add a dark twist to Necromunda gangs ranging from the new Corpse Grinders all the way to Chaos and GSC. Even if you don’t play any of those gangs, these books are coming with new fighters you can hire along to do your dirty work.

Necromunda Floor Tile Set $65

Necromunda Floor

Build textured playspaces for your gangs to slaughter each other with these floor tiles. Just push them together and throw terrain on top!

Zone Mortalis Scenic Bases $15

Necromunda Bases

This is pretty straight-forward. If you want your fighters to be matching the floors they’re standing on, grab a few boxes of these scenic bases!

Necromunda Dice Set $15

Necromunda dice

 This stylish flame-coloured set of Necromunda dice includes Injury dice, regular six-sided dice, a Firepower dice and a Scatter dice – just what you need for settling disputes in the underhive.

November White Dwarf $9

White dwarf November

In this month’s issue of White Dwarf, the main focus is going to be on the Inquisition, bringing them new rules along with cards for a bunch of specialist games.

Black Library

Myths & Revenants (PB) $16

myths and revenants

From the deserts of the Realm of Death to the catacombs beneath mighty Hammerhal itself, this anthology of short stories tells tales of the heroic and the damned from across the Mortal Realms.

Vaults of Obsidian (HB) $27

WHC: Thanquol & Boneripper (PB) $18

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Space Marine walpaperDon’t miss this rumored lineup of Games Workshop’s holiday releases along with pricing, some of which are already on the way next week! Read More

Webstore Exclusives

Necromunda Underhive Grafitti Transfer Decals $35

necromunda grafitti decal

With all the new terrain coming inside of the Dark Uprising Box Set, these decal sheets can help your terrain hit the next level. Just apply these like other decal sheets you’d normally use.

Mirkwood Hunters: Legolas & Tauriel $50

legolas & Tauriel


For your favorite Elves of Middle-Earth, Legolas and Tauriel are getting new models to bolster your forces.

Young Thorin, Balin, & Dwalin $47

thorin balin dwalin


Coming to the tabletop in their glory days, Thorin, Balin, and Dwalin are ready to crack some Orc heads as well.

Mirkwood Elf Captains $35

Mirkwood Elf Captains


Thranduil, King of Mirkwood $50

king thranduil

 King Thranduil returns as three different models – two on foot and one mounted on a horse.

Orc Hunter Captains: Narzug & Fimbul $50

norzug & fimbul


Narzug is a captain with exceptional skill with a bow (for an Orc!) and Fimbul is an accomplished tracker who comes on foot and mounted.

Middle Earth Card Packs: Dwarves, Good, & Evil $27 ea.

Each of these card packs are going to be sold separately. However, they’ll come with faction-focused profile cards and more.

middle earth dwarves cards

The Dwarves pack includes profile cards and army bonus cards for the following armies: Thorin’s Company, Army of Thror, Erebor Reclaimed, The Iron Hills & The Wanderers in the Wild.


middle earth good card pack

The Good set features Army of Lake­town, Survivors of Lake-town, Garrison of Dale, Rivendell, Halls of Thranduil, Radagast’s Alliance, The Misty Mountains & The White Council.

middle earth evil card pack

Finally, for those of a more Evil bent, your pack has cards for Azog’s Hunters, Azog’s Legion, Dark Powers of Dol Guldur, Dark Denizens of Mirkwood, Goblin-town, The Trolls & The Desolator of the North.

With a focus on Necromunda and Middle Earth, what will you be picking up next out of GW’s release wave? What Necromunda gang do you play right now? Will you be buying the new Necromunda terrain for Zone Mortalis 30k games?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!

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