GW’s New Releases For Next Week Are:

By Rob Baer | September 12th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Come see the one BIG new release for next week that has Chaos and Age of Sigmar fans ready to come to grips!

If you love taking skulls for the skull throne you are are in luck as next week’s new release has been revealed to store retailers worldwide.

Coming in hot next week is the brand new board game for Age of Sigmar that pits Khorne’s finest against each other. Gorechosen has arrived!

Gorechosen $60


A game of brutal arena combat in the Age of Sigmar.

Mayhem and madness are the sacraments of Khorne, and the Gorechosen – the dark champions of the Bloodbound – provide these offerings in abundance. In Gorechosen, these fiercely competitive warriors take to the arena, battling each other to demonstrate their worth to their mighty leader.

Featuring stunning miniatures and fast-paced, brutal gameplay, Gorechosen is a desperate, tactical battle royal in which only one fighter can triumph! Will your chosen champion dominate the arena, or be struck down in ignominy?


4 Gorechosen Champions
Arena board
4 Fighter reference cards
52 Action, Initiative and Critical Injury cards
Assorted tokens and dice

For 2-4 players
Play time approx., 60 minutes.

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gorchosen age of sigmar chaos board game

Another mini game is on the way, will you be found worthy or not?