GW’s Next Lineup of Made To Order Minis Spotted On Accident?

By Rob Baer | December 15th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

draigo spire of madness lore

Games Workshop just asked everyone what AoS models they would like to see, but this line up of un-announced Imperial Agent models for MTO was just spotted!

There may be a new retro wind blowing out of Nottingham again, and it’s may be bringing even more old Imperial Agent models you missed out on back!

First off GW wants your ideas for Made to Order offerings of Age of Sigmar / Warhammer Fantasy:


Our Made to Order service has already brought back dozens of Warhammer 40,000 miniatures, and soon, Warhammer Age of Sigmar will get its turn.

So we want to know: what would you like to see?

We’re looking for suggestions for any older models for factions within the Grand Alliance: Order book – Aelfs, Free Peoples, Seraphon, Sylvaneth, Duardin – whatever. If there are any models for those armies that are out of production, but you would still like to add to your force, let us know, and we’ll see what we can do.

Next up is a uncofirmed list of new Made to Order offerings from GW. Please keep in mind that the current batch is no longer orderable in 48 hours, so it is possible we will see another batch soon, (possibly as GW test-markets retro minis with compilation codex releases that do not contain any new miniatures)?


(Image credit: GW Salisbury)

One more piece of salt. I know for a fact I saw these Inquisitors in Terminator Armor as part of last week’s MTO offerenings in a graphic on one of GW sites. I have not been able to locate that image as it may have been take down, or just buried under the weight of the internet.

However it is my belief that the following image is not ‘shopped and has been sourced from (Games) Workshop somehow.

Now that being said checkout this rumored lineup of new Made To Order Offerings for Warhammer 40k:


(Image credit: Lampy -Russia)

Leaking slowly releases the next weeks – Maid-to-order next week and sets colors for the different armies (like through-next week)

From Left to Right, starting at the top: Chaplin Xavier, Sgt Namaan, Chaplain on Bike, Iron Priest, Inquisitor in Terminator armor models x2, Limited Edition Marine Captain, and Grey Knights Justicar (Daemonhunter book).

So will we see a round two of Imperial Agents featuring the old Limited Edition Captain model that came in the 3rd eidtion box set for the 1999 Holiday Season? The new release magic 8 ball says:


More agents to help corral the forces of Chaos that are sure to be popping up all over the place this holiday?

Loyal Imperial servants, get ready to que up at GW stores, and their website soon if this pans out and you want a chance at these models!

GW’s Made to Order Discussion