GW’s Valentines Weekend Lineup of New Releases & Pricing

By Tim Roberts | February 11th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Don’t miss the full lineup and pricing for the newest AoS releases for Skaven and Flesh Eaters Court as well as Genestealer Cults this week from GW.

This week Games Workshop has a little something for everyone! Let’s take a look a the new Carrion Empire box set complete with separate Battletome for both armies and Wave two for Warhammer 40k’s Genestealer Cults.

Achilles Ridgerunner: $45

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99120117015_GSCAchilliesRidgerunner08Achilles Ridgerunners are fast-moving buggies capable of carrying a significant amount of ordnance. They can also operate as a vital support vehicle for units of Atalan Jackals, giving that unit even more manoeuvrability. Equipped with two heavy stubbers, it can also take either a heavy mining laser, a heavy mortar or a missile launcher, providing any Genestealer Cults player with useful toolbox for dealing with any enemy. 

This pack contains a single plastic Achilles Ridgerunner armed with two heavy stubbers, and a choice of either a heavy mining laser, a heavy mortar, or a missile launcher. It comes with a host of other options and optional wargear, and a single 120mm oval base.

Biophagus: $25

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A master of gene-manipulation and bio-alchemy, the Biophagus is responsible for industrialising the process of indoctrination and infection. They concoct devious new contaminants that infect their victims with xenos genetics, morphing their body and mind, and rendering them susceptible to the sinister influence of the cult. A Patriarch may grant the Biophagus a Familiar, a scuttling assistant that sneaks into safeguarded facilities to disperse chemical agents into watersumps or air filtration bellows.

As well as providing considerable buffs to a nearby Genestealer Cults Aberrant unit, the Biophagus is a formidable melee fighter in its own right, making great use of his lethal injector goad. His Alchemicus Familiar can also assist him as he seeks to improve the fighting prowess of his mutated brethren, helping to make the hulking Aberrants in your army even more dangerous.

The Biophagus is a multipart plastic miniature armed with a holstered autopistol and an injector goad, and is accompanied by an Alchemicus Familiar. The set contains 10 parts and is supplied with two 25mm round bases.

Aberrants: $40

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Misshapen, lumpen and inhumanly strong, the Aberrants are the repugnant offshoots of the brood cycle. Though dim-witted, their instinctive need to defend their broodkin makes them valuable assets to the cult. With heavy industrial tools raised, they cause impressive carnage with only their brute force and single-minded determination.

Aberrants form terrifying packs of warriors that excel in delivering huge amounts of damage in close combat. Their heavy melee weapons are used to bludgeon their enemies into submission, and if those don’t do the job, their rending claws add a lethal coup de grace. Combined with their ability to shrug off much of the damage dealt to them, this unit can dominate their enemies with ease.

This plastic box set contains 41 components, enough to build 5 Aberrants with a choice of power picks or power hammers. Also included are options to build a Hypermorph armed with a power hammer or heavy improvised weapon, and 11 different heads. This set has been designed to offer a high degree of interchangeability between parts. Supplied with 5x 32mm round bases.

Abominant: $25

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A champion amongst the mutant aberrants of the cult, the Abominant is a misshapen wrecking ball of muscle and chitin that wields a heavy bludgeoning instrument as if it weighs no more than a switch of willow. Only when the roaring, demented brute crushes all before it in a spasmodic frenzy, crying out in a mixture of anger, pain and self-loathing, does the true horror of its existence become clear. It is guided by a Mindwyrm Familiar, a diminutive bio-psychic construct that is given life in the decaying slurry found in a Patriarch’s lair.

The Abominant is a devastating close combat specialist, able to deliver huge amounts of damage with his power sledgehammer and rending claw. It gives Genestealer Cults players a melee-focussed HQ choice whose Mindwyrm Familiar helps to protect it and other nearby friendly units from psychic attacks.

This pack contains a single multipart plastic miniature featuring an Abominant guided by a Mindwyrm Familiar. It comes as 11 components and is supplied with a 40mm round base.


Carrion Empire: $160

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60010299016_CarrionEmpire01 (1)






The skaven Clans Skryre and the lurking ghouls of the Flesh-eater Courts do battle amidst the ruins of a cursed civilisation, fighting over arcane secrets like scavengers over a rotting corpse.

Carrion Empire is a battlebox that pits the scheming skaven of the Clans Skryre against the delusional monstrosities of the Flesh-eater Courts. Inside, you’ll find:

– 33 models split across two armies, giving you a variety of units for both the Skaven and Flesh-eater Courts, all costing less than getting the kits separately
– Two new Heroes – the commanding Abhorrant Archregent and ingenious Warlock Bombardier, both exclusive to this set.
– The 40-page Carrion Empire booklet, which includes lore, battleplans and rules for playing with the set right out of the box.
– Warscroll cards and tokens for keeping track of both armies on the tabletop, including range rulers, command point markers and more.

Whether you’re looking to battle a friend, start playing Warhammer Age of Sigmar, or just fancy a great deal when reinforcing your army, Carrion Empire is for you.

Carrion Empire contains the following Citadel miniatures:

– 1 Abhorrant Archregent – only available in this box set at this time
– 20 Crypt Ghouls
– 3 Crypt Horrors
– 3 Crypt Flayers
– 1 Warlock Bombardier – only available in this box set at this time
– 1 Doomwheel
– 1 Warp Lightning Cannon
– 3 Stormfiends

The box also includes:
– The 40-page Carrion Empire book
– A Warhammer Age of Sigmar core rules booklet
– A Token sheet
– 8 warscroll cards


Skaven Gnawholes: $55

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Gnawholes split the skin of reality, tearing open like lesions and allowing frenzied skaven swarms to spill forth. Manifesting as whirling green portals, gaping black holes, fume-wreathed chasms and countless other malignant phenomena, these tunnels through reality seep with the ruinous energies of the Horned Rat.

Gnawholes are powerful terrain pieces that allow your skaven army to travel across the battlefield instantaneously – perfect for surprise attacks or quick getaways. Available at no matched play points cost to your army, they’re a must-have for any skaven player and allow you to unlock the full power of your collection.

This set contains three Gnawhole terrain pieces, plus a number of bells and braziers for customising their appearance with, and is supplied in 102 plastic components.


Battletome: Skaven: $40

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Red eyes and chisel fangs glint in the gloom. A terrible chittering fills the air. Then, from the darkness they come – the skaven have arrived to blight the Mortal Realms!

Chaos Battletome: Skaven is your guide to the evil ratmen who gnaw at the very fabric of reality. Serving the Chaos deity known as the Great Horned Rat, these sinister creatures seek to undermine the Mortal Realms, conquering with raw cunning, overwhelming numbers, and strange inventions.

In this 128-page hardback battletome, you’ll learn about the history of the Skaven in the Mortal Realms – from their origins in Blight City to their role in the Soul Wars, all illustrated with stunning and evocative art. You’ll also find lore on their many clans and the brutal inner workings of skaven society. The battletome goes on to cover how the skaventide goes to war, showcased by several warscroll battalions, and all the warscrolls needed to field a force of ratmen on the tabletop. You’ll be able to mix-and-match a variety of skaven clans to build a killer army to suit your tastes – slaying your enemies with endless hordes of Clanrats, blasting them apart with the terrible technology of the warp lighting-wielding Stormfiends, and unleashing vile monsters of arcane science like the Hell Pit Abominations. All are goaded into battle by the scheming, backstabbing members of the Masterclan!

Battletome: Skaven lets you customise the leaders of the skaven with a selection of warpstone-infused artefacts and cunning sorceries. Their spells come from the Lore of Ruin, a collection of sinister curses, and the Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism, arcane arts that enhance Skyre units and incinerate your foes. The book is also a great resource for collectors, packed with examples of different colour schemes to inspire your own projects, as well as painting tips. The section on Path to Glory rules and a pair of bespoke missions are great for organising and playing your first games with this insidious army.

This book contains:
– Allegiance abilities for skaven, including a variety of battle traits – 6 separate types of artefacts of power and 6 types of command traits
– 2 spell lores – the Lore of Ruin (for use by Grey Seers) and Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism (for use by Clans Skryre Wizards)
– 2 battleplans
– Path to Glory rules for creating a skaven warband for Path to Glory, including Champion and Followers Rewards Tables
– 8 warscroll battalions
– 40 warscrolls, 3 endless spell warscrolls and a warscroll for the Gnawhole scenery piece.
– Pitched battle profiles for all units and Endless Spells featured in this battletome

If you’re starting a new skaven army or bringing your classic collection into the Mortal Realms, this battletome is your essential companion.


Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts: $40

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Bound by the madness of their kings, the Flesh-eater Courts surge across the land in search of their next grisly feast.

Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts is the comprehensive guide to collecting and fielding the cannibalistic monstrosities of the Flesh-eater Courts. In thrall to a deep delusion, these unwitting servants of Death believe themselves to be noble knights and warriors – instead, they are savage, degenerate killers.

In this 88-page hardback battletome, you’ll learn the history of the Flesh-eater Courts in the Mortal Realms, from their long-lost origins as noble courts, through to their hard-fought battles in the Soul Wars, all illustrated with dark and sumptuous art. You’ll discover how their strange society operates – a vile pastiche of mannered courtly life with a distinctly macabre twist. The battletome goes on to cover just how the Flesh-eater Courts go to war, showcased by several themed warscroll battalions and all the warscrolls needed to field an army of cannibals on the tabletop – from the serried, scrabbling ranks of the Crypt Ghouls to towering monstrosities like the Royal Zombie Dragon.

You’ll be able to customise your Flesh-eater Courts army with a host of allegiance abilities, including rules for different Grand Courts, which allow you to dedicate your mordants to one of the legendary Flesh-eater Court kingdoms.

Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts lets you customise your champions with a selection of sinister artefacts, as well as a blood-drenched spell lore that allows you to enhance the dark strength of your units. The included Path to Glory rules and bespoke missions are perfect for learning your army’s rules, while for collectors, a showcase of beautifully painted miniatures, alternative colour schemes and painting tips are fantastic for inspiring your own army.

This book contains:
– 13 warscrolls, 3 Endless Spell warscrolls and a warscroll for the Charnel Throne terrain piece.
– 9 warscroll battalions that reward themed armies with special rules
– The Lore of Madness – a special set of spells for Flesh-eater Courts Wizards
– Background, allegiance abilities, command traits and artefacts of power for each of the following Grand Courts: Morgaunt, Hollowmourne, Blisterskin, and Gristlegore
– A gallery of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures to inspire your own work
– Pitched Battle profiles for all units

If you’re looking to conquer the Mortal Realms with dark magic, sinister tricks and savage force, this is the army for you!

Charnel Throne: $35

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Formed from the bones of those killed by an abhorrant’s insane magic, a Charnel Throne exudes madness and necrotic energies. They are the seats of power for Archregents and Ghoul Kings, blazing beacons to mordants, and structures of abject horror for the enemies of the Flesh-eater Courts.

The Charnel Throne is a terrain feature available to all Flesh-eater Courts armies. Costing no matched play points, it’ll inspire your own units, increasing their bravery, while reducing that of nearby foes. Abhorrant Archregents, meanwhile, can use the power of the throne to summon even more units to the battlefield.

This set contains one Charnel Throne terrain piece, supplied in 14 plastic components.


Endless Spells: Flesh-eater Courts: $35

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Unleash the malignant magic of the Flesh-eater Courts with these endless spells! Each is a summoned sorcery with strange and powerful effects, usable only by your Flesh-eater Courts, or Nagash himself. Inside this set, you’ll find:

– The Cadaverous Barricade, a grisly bulwark that provides cover and slows down enemies
– The Chalice of Ushoran, which heals your Heroes and restores nearby models to life
– The Corpsemare Stampede, a crushing tide of undead horses which deals mortal wounds

This set is supplied in 20 coloured plastic components, and includes 1x 50mm round base and 1x 120mm round base.

Endless Spells: Skaven: $35

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Harness the twisted sorceries of the skaven with this set of endless spells! Each offers unique and unusual benefits, and can only be used by your skaven Wizards. Inside this set, you’ll find:

– The Vermintide, a swarm of unholy vermin which deals mortal wounds to nearby units
– The Warp Lightning Vortex, a corsucating storm of energy which disrupts movement and deals devastating damage
– The Bell of Doom, a floating icon which bolsters the bravery of skaven while striking fear into your foes

This plastic set is supplied with 4x 40mm round bases and 1x 120mm oval base.


Skaven Dice: $30

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As the skaven scurry and gnaw through the fabric of the Mortal Realms, they leave behind them rocks and stones that are perfect for games of chance, yes-yes.

No skaven army should take to the tabletop without the right dice, and these include a skaven icon in place of the “6”. The warpstone design on these D6s are a fantastic thematic addition to any skaven collection.

This is a set of twenty 16mm D6 dice. The outer surface features a rough surface as if hewn from rock, while polished green gem plastic protrudes to form the pips.

Warscroll Cards: Skaven: $25

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Screeching and scrabbling across the Mortal Realms, the skaven gnaw at the fringes of every kingdom, city and state. The Children of the Horned Rat infest every realm, much as vermin infest a sewer, watching, lurking and sniffing out opportunities to further their vile agendas. Each clan has its own unique tricks for waging war and bringing low those who oppose the whims of their foul god.

These easy-to-use reference cards make managing your skaven armies on the battlefield even easier. They are decorated with artwork and photography, and include warscrolls for the skaven endless spells for games using the Malign Sorcery rules. There are also a set of handy command point tokens to help you manage your heroic abilities, as well as lots of other useful tokens to help keep track of your actions.

This pack contains 43 reference cards, including 39 unit warscroll cards, 3 endless spell warscroll cards, and a warscroll card for the Gnawhole scenery piece.

Also included are two sheets of double-sided push-out card gaming tokens tailored to the unique spells and abilities of the Skaven.

Please note, you’ll need a copy of Battletome: Skaven to use the contents of this set.

Warscroll Cards: Flesh-eater Courts: $15

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Hidden among the ruins of the Mortal Realms thrive the Flesh-eater Courts. Bound by the madness of their Abhorrant Ghoul Kings, throngs of mordants live out their pitiful lives feasting upon the corpses provided by the endless war and strife of kingdom after kingdom. In every corner of the realms, nightmarish tales are told of the Flesh-eater Courts, and when they take to the battlefield, they bring with them death and horror.

These cards make managing your actions and spells on the tabletop even easier. Decorated with haunting artwork and photography, they include all of the information you need for running each unit from Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts in your games, as well as their endless spells. There are also two sheets of double-sided push-out card gaming tokens to help you manage everything from command points to ability effects.

This is a set of 17 warscroll cards, including 13 unit warscroll cards, 3 Flesh-eater Courts endless spell warscroll cards for use in games using the Malign Sorcery rules, and a warscroll card for the Charnel Throne scenery piece.

The two sheets of push-out card gaming tokens include a huge variety of designs to help you track every aspect of your game.

Please note, you’ll need a copy of Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts to use the contents of this set.


These new releases from Games Workshop look great this week and we can’t wait to see these units in action on the tabletop! Make sure you check back next week to see what’s new from Games Workshop.