Hades Legion Bits & Minis From Heresy Lab

hades legion KS picThe Hades Legion bits and minis from the Heresylab Kickstarter are now available to buy in resin from their store!

If you missed out on the awesome Kickstarter, you can get in on the Hades Legion now! They have five pages of this stuff on their site, but we’ll be highlighting some of our favorites. They are just constantly pumping out the new stuff! If you like cool minis, you have to check them out.

All the minis and bits in the set are super detailed and just really cool looking. If you’ve been looking to spice up your Space Marines, these are worth a look. Let’s dive into the new stuff!

Hades Legion Bits And Minis – Hades Paladins: $39.95

Hades Paladin


Hades Paladin no plasmaThe paladins look amazing! You can get them with Plasma weapons for the same price as well if you need that extra bit of firepower. Heresy Labs has all kinds of cool stuff going on, check it out here.

Hades Flank Weaponry: $12.00

Hades Inferno Flank


Hades Rapier Flank


Hades Heavy FlankThese little weapon platforms are so awesome! They remind us so much of the magically bound cauldrons Willow fights in the final battle! Each one comes separately but you can mix and match all you want. These are just a super fun addition to any Imperial army for not too much cash.

Hades “AION” Tank: $39.95

Hades TankThe size of this tank is comparable to a Rhino, but it has a giant gun… So it’s obviously cooler! You can’t have your Hades Paladins being driven around in anything less.

Hades Back Pack Set: $8.00

Hades Back PacksThe backpacks are amazing looking! So many little cool details added in to make these standout.

Hades Jet Pack x2: $9.00

Hades Jet PAckThese jet packs are quite large and really have an interesting look. Just another fun way to make your army different.

Hades Helmets: $6.00

Hades HelmetsYou can tell by the dire look of these heads they do not mess around! They will fit on Primaris Marines as well, so if you want to do some quick conversions these are worth picking up.

That does it for this one! If you’ve been looking for some cool Marine alternatives, these are worth checking out!

Grab Your Hades Legion Here!