Halfling Snipers Kickstarter From Victoria Miniatures!

Halfling SnipersVictoria Miniatures just launched their first Kickstarter ever, featuring some awesome Halfling Snipers- check it out!

Victoria Miniatures is always coming out with some of the coolest bits and hand-crafted minis on the market. If you’ve been looking for a way to set your army apart, especially Imperial Guard or any human army, you really need to look at them.

This is obviously a little different, considering they are running a Kickstarter, but it’s a cool idea and if you want to get the models, stretch goals, and everything else, be sure to head there now!

Halfling Snipers Kickstarter From Victoria Miniatures!

Halfling SnipersIf you love what Victoria Miniatures is up to, check out what she has been releasing lately. Here is what they have to say about the new Kickstarter:

Huge news at Victoria Miniatures today! I am very excited to announce our first ever Kickerstarter campaign, The Bagshot Sharp Shooters; Halfling Snipers. These will be available to backers as SIo-cast hard plastic miniatures and .STL files. I plan to be launching late August. Stay tuned for more details coming very soon.

Let’s check out everything coming in the project:

Halfling Snipers kickstarter


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This Kickstarter project is for a Halfling Sniper Squad of ten super characterful 28mm Miniatures. Sculpted by Victoria Lamb for Victoria Miniatures. You can choose ‘Sio-Cast’ hard plastic miniatures or downloadable .STL print at home options. 

Each pledge level includes one complete 10 Halfling Squad, free shipping, plus all unlocked stretch goals.

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Halfling Snipers kickstarter 7As you can see, the scale is nearly perfect! Now, let’s check out stretch goals.

Stretch Goals

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This campaign has three stretch goals which will be added free to every squad when they are unlocked. Physical pledges will receive plastic stretch goal miniatures added free to every squad. Digital pledges will have the stretch goal miniatures added as free .STL files.

Once again, Victoria miniatures have some great ways to score some custom bits and minis for your collection. Make sure you visit Victoria Miniatures and secure yours today!

Click Here to Support the Kickstarter!