Happy Gaming New Year 2017

By Rob Baer | January 1st, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

Happy New Year 2017!  2016 saw a true hobby resurgence from all corners of tabletop gaming, Were do you think 2017 will take us?

A TON of new gaming products were released in 2016 by Games Workshop including new codex books and supplements to even new stand alone games.

Maybe more importantly, last year also saw the renewed entrenchment of new games that were gaining ground in the tabletop sector from 2015.  Coming in hot to 2016 was once again X-Wing Miniatures, Malifaux 2.0, and Infinity V3. Plus don’t forget to checkout newcomer Star Wars Armada that’s already on five waves of releases!

2017 looks to be another good year for gaming, so get out there and seize the gaming day!