Help Me I’m Broken- Valkyrie Assault Carrier

Well I guess its been about a year now since GW game out with the Vendetta Model, and with it ignited a rules firestorm that still flares up to this day.

The one question remains; How do you play it?  Good Question.  Is it a skimmer? If so why is it on that $#%*-ing stupidly large and cumbersome stand? How do you disembark, heck how do you move the stupid thing? Can it be placed where other figures/ tanks are underneath it? If so what happens if it becomes wrecked or immobilized? (keep im mind here you can float a speeder or Falcon Grav Tank over troops why should you be able to do it with another skimmer?)

To get to the bottom of these questions and more we can go to the FAQ.  Which FAQ you ask? Ah therein lies more problems. The only FAQ that seems to address any issue that actually matters is the INAT.

So here’s the INAT with my colorful commentary;

IG.56A.03 — Q: Can a Valkyrie/Vendetta model end its movement over friendly or enemy models and can other models end their move underneath it?
A: As long as a Valkyrie/Vendetta doesn‟t end its move with its base on top of any model or within 1” of any enemies, it is fine to have portions of the Valkyrie/Vendetta model end up over other models, provided they physically fit underneath the Valkyrie/Vendetta model [clarification].

Really? Cool Ill put a falcon on the same stand and run around with it.  That’s stupid, confusing, and potentially abusive.

IG.56A.04 — Q: If a Valkyrie/Vendetta is immobilized or destroyed while over other models, what happens?
A: Follow these guidelines [clarification]: Immobilized* – Adjust the Valkyrie/Vendetta the minimum distance needed to place the model on the table but not over any friendly models, within 1″ of any enemies, or in impassable terrain (although it may end up on top of impassable terrain if the model will fit there). Do not turn the model, unless it is absolutely necessary for it to fit on the table, and only then by the minimum required. Wrecked – Disembark any passengers as normal. Then adjust the model (as described in the immobilized guidelines above) before marking it as a wreck. Explodes – Resolved normally (with surviving passengers being placed anywhere within the hull „footprint‟ of where the vehicle was). * Remember, if there is more than one model in the squadron, then „Immobilized‟ becomes „Wrecked‟ instead.

Again stupid, how can something pretend to fit where it cant? A skimmer just skims over the ground, unless its booking off into the air at a high speed which probably doesn’t pertain to the scale of game we normally play.  Here comes my Falcon on a vendetta stand….

IG.56A.06 — Q: When a Valkyrie/Vendetta is immobilized (off its base) can friendly or enemy models move under its wings at all?
A: Friendly models are able to move under both the side and back wings provided they can physically fit there. Enemy models may also move under the back wings provided they physically fit there and don‟t move so their base is within 1” of the hull. Enemy models cannot move under the side wings except as part of an assault move [clarification].

Okay I can buy this, sure. (mostly cause it doesn’t involve the stupid stand and makes it on par with the rules we have all played with for skimmers for the last 10 years)

So how does it move? You measure from the front of the vehicle to the back? That’s what I would do. Oh riiight, you can’t fit it on the board 6 inches. Well guess if you come on from reserve your moving more that 6 inches! (or turn it sideways so it fits I suppose)

Im just going to stop right here and propose a ground breaking solution; take the flight stand it comes with and break it in half.  Yep thats right throw it away.  Why? To hear the end of the incesant nasal whine about the fricking model thats why.

Then here is what you do; get a normal large flight stem, and some 1/4″ diameter acrylic rod.  Cut the rod to the same height as the flight stem.  Then glue the rod to the Valkyrie base, and drill out a hole for it in the old spot on it’s fuselage.

Now you have solved most of the problems plaguing this model (without inventing rules I might add).  It can’t go where it can’t fit. It’s a skimmer now just like all the rest of the 40k skimmers. It’s passengers can actually deploy from it, and it can actually be assaulted back.  You can’t hide out under it, and you don’t get free movement deploying out the front “from the base”.


What do you think? Would you be willing to mod your stand to end all the disagreements?