Henry Cavill Shows 40k Hobbyists Why He’s One of Us

By Travis Pasch | December 5th, 2021 | Categories: 40k News & Articles, News & Rumors

cavil-eisnhorn-bookHenry Cavill, as many of you know, is quite the Warhammer 40k hobby lover and in a recent post on Instagram, he shows us why once again!

It wasn’t too long ago we saw Henry Cavill talking about his love for Warhammer 40k, and painting some Adeptus Custodes. In a recent post on Instagram though, he showed he doesn’t just paint, he also keeps up with Warhammer lore!

We’ve recently taken a look at a bunch of celebs who play, or at least hobby, but for whatever reason, Henry generally seems to be everyone’s favorite. Let’s first look at him working on his Custodes, and then check out the newest hobby love.

Henry Cavil Plays (or at Least Paints) Custodes!

Henry Cavil set the internet on fire with his Instagram post:

henry cavil instagramHe broke out his Custodes on Instagram and is putting some gold on a helmet. Turns out, he’s been in the hobby for a while. Check out how clean that paint job is. You can see some subtle gold highlights at the sharpest edges of the bit.

Which, believe it or not, takes a long time if you’re not just going to be aggressive and drybrush a slightly lighter gold over it all.

Henry Cavill Shows 40k Hobbyists Why He’s One of Us (again)

Henry Cavill

In this Instagram post, while flying on a (probably) private jet, he talks about traveling to the US for work, which maybe if you’re lucky, you can spot him while he’s here.

There are two pieces of good news here, first? He’s working on a new project! But what’s better is the book in the bottom right corner.

Henry Cavill 40k reading


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Penitent was on the table in his reading list. The Black Library book is a sequel to Eisenhorn and Ravenor and follows Bequin on a journey through the Grimdark future. 

The Dan Abnett book isn’t really a one-off read, meaning he’s probably also read some of the Ravenor and Eisenhorn books. The book takes a deeper dive into the Inquisition and their nonstop effort against all things, not Imperial. It’s just really cool to see how much he’s willing to promote the hobby, even the Warhammer Official account liked the post. Since the 40k universe is so amazing, more people should get in on the reading.


penitentAlizebeth Bequin’s world has been turned upside-down. Now she must choose who she will follow as Inquisitors Eisenhorn and Ravenor battle to discover the secrets at the heart of Queen Mab.

Get Your Ravenor By Dan Abnett

If you want to keep up with what he’s reading, you can grab the book by clicking the link above. Don’t let those celebs out-read you!

Henry Cavill Proves He Listens to the Warhammer Fanbase


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A post shared by Henry Cavill (@henrycavill)

First off, the picture is pretty sweet and the way he frames the sun, it almost looks like a halo! Who else has a halo in a lot of artwork, that’s right, the Emperor!

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This is such a cool pic that whether you love the Witcher or Warhammer, you can enjoy this one. His caption does have us wondering, does he have a full Warhammer collection of photos just waiting to be unleashed on the world?

Now that we’re done fangirling, how does this fit into Warhammer? That’s the real question. Well, if you don’t know who or what Neoth is, don’t feel bad.

It’s actually a name the Emperor was called in extremely ancient times. It comes from before the time when he first met Erda (who contributed some of her DNA for the Primarch project, and ultimately scatted them though the Chaos vortex) and was already trying to advance the human race and bring order to the entirety of it.

The Emperor actually gave himself this name when he ventured to the first city of humanity after seeing a vision of his uncle murdering his father.

This is barely mentioned in the lore, so any hobbyist, much less Henry Cavill to reference this, it really shows his knowledge and research! He even hashtagged it with: ObscureWarhammerReference and he isn’t kidding!

You have to give him some serious props for knowing this, but also for how he took the picture. As we’ve said, plenty of people have already cast Henry Cavill as the Emperor of mankind in their own minds.

He’s Watching the Internet

henry cavil emperorThis is the picture we’re talking about and the way the sun is playing behind him above looks awfully similar to this! We have no idea if GW would ever undertake something so ambitious as a live-action Emperor, but we would love to see it!

Plus, if Henry Cavill took the lead, we would be first in line.

Check out more articles on Warhammer going mainstream below!

Do you like Henry Cavill keeping up on the Warhammer 40k realm? Have you read the book yet? 

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Joined: 2019

Socials: @paschbass 

Bio: Dark Eldar Dracon and Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the third edition in 1998. He also loves camping because you can only paint so much! He joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the main daily writer since 2020.

Maybe one day, he’ll finish converting all his Ad Mech models and turn into a true tech enjoyer, complete with sad and happy robot noises!