WWE Superstar Shayna Baszler Storms Warhammer World!

By Travis Pasch | February 19th, 2022 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

WWE Warhammer World rThe crossover continues as the WWE superstar Shayna Baszler went to Warhammer World to see what they have to offer!

If you haven’t been paying attention lately, Shayna Baszler has been bringing Warhammer 40k inspired costumes to the WWE and they’ve all been pretty awesome. She’s been pretty open about her love of Warhammer, and we are excited to see it!

This time, she took Cesaro with her all the way to Warhammer World to explore, as GW hosted them! 

If you love wrestling and Warhammer, the recent collaborations have been really cool and it’s also nice to see GW take such a good stance on this. Instead of getting mad that she’s been putting the costumes on, they really seem to be embracing it. Let’s check out the visit and her most recent costume!

WWE Superstars Storm Warhammer World!

Looks like they really got into it! She even picked up Abaddon, some paints, and a starter set! Considering all the Space Marine costumes she’s dressed up in lately, what else would you expect other than some Chaos and Marines? It seemed like everyone was getting in on the fun as well.

It looks like Cesaro is a little newer to Warhammer without a faction picked out yet. So it’s cool to see him so into it and it looks like Warhammer is grabbing a new player. Let’s just hope Shayna didn’t kick his butt too hard on the sample game. You know it’s hard to play when you get beat really badly in your first game… Even the GW presenters were getting in on the fun.

Overall, this is just cool to see and we always love a good crossover. Just remember, be nice to new hobbyists coming your way who said they came over from wrestling!

Between the WWE and Hollywood, Warhammer seems to quickly becoming more and more mainstream.  Check out more articles on Warhammer going mainstream below!

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