Here’s Why 40k’s Psychic Awakening Fixes Everything

By Rob Baer | October 3rd, 2019 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Psychic Awakening is generating a lot of excitement in the community. Here’s why it may just fix everything “wrong” with Warhammer 40k.

Psychic Awakening is the next lore event that’s taking the form of supplement support to every faction on the 40k tabletop. Once we begin to see each faction’s new releases and rules, some of the chief complaints by hobbyists may start to fall to the wayside…

Complaint #1: No Lore Advancement

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From the start of 8th edition, we’ve only seen the Devastation of Baal and the Fall of Cadia occur as massive lore advancements. It’s been around a year since we’ve heard any kind of lore advancement (outside of the localized events on Vigilus) to keep us engaged on that end. With things growing darker and darker for the Aeldari in Phoenix Rising, we’re hoping that each faction will have a massive swathe of new lore to read through.

The Aeldari are the first focus and it seems like something sinister between the Dark Eldar and Slaanesh is involved. If as much plot is thrown into each faction as GW is putting into Phoenix Rising, promising lore-rich times might be ahead.

Any way you look at it since 8th edition started, the 40k timeline has started to move a lot quicker than it ever had before!

Complaint #2: Codex Creep

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With so many factions in 40k, it takes time to produce entire books of rules. Because of this delay from book to book, codex creep is always relevant. Depending on the speed of which these books come out, this could level the playing field for factions that might have an insane advantage vs. factions that haven’t had any attention for a while.

Fewer gaps between updates could lead to more balance in the game itself, as we are starting to see evidence from the September 2019 Big FAQ.

Complaint #3: Out of Date Models

As GW goes through faction by faction, we may see old models move from Finecast to scaled-up plastic Primaris/newly posed renditions. Mephiston, Tycho, Azrael, Ragnar, and Njal are just a few models that desperately need an update on the Imperium’s side.

All in all, if GW is sticking to 8th edition, these expansions of lore, support, and new models are always good for sales coming from a business standpoint.

As of right now, it comes down to keeping our eyes peeled for the Phoenix Rising Aeldari expansion. That should give us a pretty clear picture of what the rest of the factions may be getting.

What do you think about Psychic Awakening? What are you hoping your faction gets? Would you like to see old models get updated or brand new units/characters drop instead?

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