HeresyLab Launching Greater God STL Kickstarter

Greater God Feature rHeresyLab Greater God Kickstarter is here, and if you’ve been looking for some amazing Tau-like minis, you have to check this out!

Many people know by now that HeresyLab has some of the best alternative minis and STL files on the market! This new Kickstarter is no different! We’re not sure they ever sleep with the number of amazing projects they constantly have running. If you want to see some of their previous projects, you can check them out here.

This new project is on another level of awesomeness if we’re being honest. The project was taken in part with Invasive Wargaming  and we love seeing the collab. It’s been some time since we’ve really seen new minis for this certain faction. And boy does this Kickstarter really deliver in spades! Let’s stop talking about it and jump into it.

The Greater God Kickstarter Early Bird Mini:

Early Bird PledgeIf you pledge within the first 48 hours, you get this mini totally free! Now, let’s dive into more of the minis.


Greater God Character Add ons


Greater God Character Add ons 2


Greater God Character Add ons 3Each of the characters has so much flavor and just looks amazing! These can all be grabbed as either printed minis or STL files. Depending on your pledge level will change how many you can get, or you can always just pledge for one if that’s all you need!


Scout Greater GodThese would make the perfect Pathfinders, or work great in a ton of skirmish style games!


Militia Great God


Militia Great God 2These come in a pack of five, so you get to grab all of them! Again, these can either be STL files and you can print a bunch, or you can just grab the minis themselves.




Drones 2Who couldn’t use some more drones floating around causing general havoc? We always have room for a few more! Whether you want shield drones, marker drones, or gun drones, you can have any of them.


Kraat Greater GodIt’s been a long time since these guys got some love! Don’t let your collection fall stagnant, grab some new blood to add to the pack.


Wasp Greater GodThese look amazing and are just a fun unit overall!

How the Great God Kickstarter Works:

Pledge LevelThis is for everyone who wants to grab the printed minis. Once you get to the 3rd pledge level, you start grabbing the freebies and stretch goals! So might as well juice up the collection and grab some free stuff!

STL PledgeIf you want to get every add-on and all the files, €40 is not bad at all! Nothing wrong with getting a ton of amazing files in one easy buy.

That does it for this one! If you’ve been looking for some amazing Tau alternatives, you have to check this out!

Pledge The Great God Kickstarter Now: