HeresyLab Pin-Up Girls Now Available!

Heresylab pin-up featureThe HeresyLab Kickstarter for the pin-up girls was a huge success, but if you missed out on the project, you can still score the minis!

We’re not sure they ever sleep with the number of amazing projects they constantly have running. If you want to see some of their previous projects, you can check them out here.

Their latest Kickstarter for some excellent female minis did well, but if you somehow missed the project, fear not, as you can score your favorites right now! Just keep in mind these are limited, so if you see something you like, don’t wait too long. 

Don’t miss out, though, as there is only one day left to hop on the unique project!

HeresyLab Pin-Up Girls Now Available!

Heresylab pin-upThese are just some fantastic minis you can score right now! Obviously, it will be a little more expensive than the KS, but you can easily pick and choose your favorite minis. The perfect way to bolster your army. 

Heresylab pin-up 2Each pack comes with one model and is obviously unpainted, but that makes hobbying fun. One last time though, these are limited in quantity, so if you see something you like, don’t sit around and miss out on your new hobby project.

Heresylab pin-up 3They also have all the versions of the models available in the topless options. If you would rather have those, they are all on the site.

Heresy Maidens 10As you can see, the size on these is basically the perfect scale for 40k! That way, you can actually throw them down on the table and play some games. 

If you love Heresy Lab, see what else they have to offer. That does it for this one; now get some cool minis!

Click Here to Get Your New Pin-Ups From HeresyLab!