Hero to the Genestealer Cults: Kelermorph Lore

40k-LORE-genestealer-cults-wal-hor-titleKelermorph is a the deadly hero of the Genestealer Cults, whose fighting prowess is genetically engineered into him!

How amazing would a gunslinger of old be if he had an extra arm and was genetically engineered to be awesome? Well, as it turns out, pretty incredible! The Kelermoprh is more than just a gunslinger, he is a figurehead around which the cults rally. His ability to take down the authoritarian rule of the Imperium is renowned by every Genestealer Cultist. Get out your favorite duster and let’s learn about this awesome creature!

A Figurehead for the Masses

The Kelermorph is a folk legend come to life. He is a revolutionary war hero who will stop at nothing to see the rulers of a world crumble. To the Genestealer Cult, he is a mixture of leader and much-needed fighter wrapped into one. While he may not be the one urging his comrades on with words, he lets his pistols do the talking for him.

Enemies have come to fear the very mention of his name because once he enters the fray, things have just gotten a whole lot harder. The loyal followers of the Emperor can barely comprehend his motives, but they don’t really matter when he’s gunning you down.

Across hundreds of worlds pictures, graffiti, and effigies of the Kelermorph appear everywhere. While the planets are light years apart the tales are always the same. A three-armed gunslinger shows up out of nowhere to take on impossible odds and can never be defeated by the authoritarian rulers.

The truth is though, neither the cults nor their enemies truly understand the Kelermorph. It is a bioform created with years of research to be the ultimate stealthy killing machine in the guise of a gunfighter. Because, while a Genestealer can be inspiring, someone who looks like the masses is even more effective at inciting followers.

genestealer cults kellermorph

On the Battlefield

The Kelermoprh wields his three pistols with supernatural dexterity. Every shot finds its mark as he dashes around the battlefield, launching endless shots with incredible speed. He can mow down an entire Guard squad (not that that’s super special…) in seconds. He can also deal with armored vehicles easily (in the lore…), his special ammunition explodes through armor like candy.

If he joins the fight, it might just be better to retreat and fight another day!

Genestealer Cultists

Genetically Engineered

The Kellermorph has been refined for generations. It is no coincidence he is so powerful. He is a bioform mixed with the local populace, given all their best qualities, and with the bad ones taken out. Furthermore, his brain is enhanced to levels no human can dream of. The battle moves in slow motion for the genetically engineered madman. He can see your next move coming a mile away!

That does it for this hero to the Genestealer Cults! If you need a little inspiration for your lowly cultists, he is worth picking up!

Genestealer Cult 40k Unbeatable Army Lists

Learn More About Kelermorph GSC Here!