Hey 40k, How Does A Kroot & Vespid Codex Sound?

By Wesley Floyd | November 1st, 2018 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k News

kroot mercanary Hey 40k, How Does A Kroot & Vespid Codex Sound?

During the latest Blackstone Fortress previews, we asked ourselves…how would you like to see a Kroot and Vespid Codex come out?

Games Workshop may have untouched goldmine of 40k races that haven’t been updated or don’t have any models at all.

Looking at the Tau’s close allies, we thought it would be cool to see a lesser Xenos race get some love. Take a look at our thoughts!

Capitalizing on Tau Weaknesses

We’re thinking the codex would be called something like “Tau auxiliary Alliance” or something to that extent. It would have all of the races that have helped Tau in one way or another.

Tau Sept wal hor

We know that a wet paper bag could kill some Tau in close combat. The problem is just getting within arms reach of Tau. However, it’s not an impossible thing to do and when Tau do get charged, they fold in on themselves. That would be where their allies come in.

We know that Kroot are the backwater Redneck Xenos race of the galaxy and Tau have to specifically tell them not to eat certain things. Because they’re so primitive, it would make sense that their shooting would suck and their melee would be decent. We say decent because they don’t have high military training and aren’t that big either. But with that being said, they do know their way around a knife and a spear.

kroot weapon

Of course, we know Kroot’s stats for 8th edition. But we are talking about stratagems that are melee-focused. Things like getting to fight again, +1 WS, more attack generation, etc. They could capitalize on the Tau weakness. I.e using muscles for other things than pulling a trigger.

We can’t expect Commander Farsight to be the only model Tau needs to fend off an assault.


Vespids need some TLC in all fields. But they would be in the same boat as Kroot. Be alright at combat and have more mobility because of their wings. Shoot maybe an infiltrate mechanic wouldn’t be too shabby. Players would be able to have XV-25 Stealth Suits and a helping hand from some Vespids to act as a buffer.

Now you know that with a new codex coming, that would mean new models/units too.

We’ll Need New Models



Would Games Workshop be silly not to seize the opportunity to print new models for a faction getting a codex. New models are exactly what Kroot and Vespids both need. This could also be a new doorway for new units to hit the tabletop.

If a Codex came out, we might even begin to see all-Kroot lists regularly. Especially if they had some decent stratagems and a larger unit selection. A named Kroot Character would definitely pull people in.

Games Workshop has been busy here lately with other releases although it looks like they are trying to branch out from 40k and “test the waters” in other areas of the market. A busy year is still ahead of them with even more codexes expected to drop. Maybe once everything settles down, Games Workshop will start showing some love to the lesser Xenos factions out there.

What do you think of the Tau’s allies now? Would you like to see them get a Codex? What new units does the army need? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.