Don’t let your models go unpainted, a truly funny faux PSA hobby satire video that resonates after PETA’s recent attack a few months ago on our hobby.
The Beer Phase posted this Save the Models video, and we couldn’t help not laughing.
Who needs a dollar a day for some cause, do something to help your hobby, paint a model a week, that’s all they ask.
We see it all to frequently, people buying model after model and only painting a select few.
Please don’t put yourself in the situation where you’re neglecting your models.
All they want is a little bit of paint and TLC.
Can you keep up with the model a week pledge? There’s model’s rights activists out there, you don’t want to be the one catching the brunt of their anger, it’s not a pretty site. With the release of 8th coming out soon, don’t let yourself fall into the situation where you neglect your models like so many others already do. 30 minutes a week = A model a week. How hard could it be?
Make sure you head over to The Beer Phase‘s Facebook and give them a follow. While you’re at it, go ahead and post a picture of the models that you paint each week. Together, we can save the models… #BeerMAW