Hidden In Plain Sight: Another New Chaos Model REVEALED

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Don’t miss the latest new Chaos Space Marine miniature that was just spotted. Behold what looks to be the new Dark Apostle model from the daemon engine.

Lead your Cultists and Marines with this new Sculpt! This image exploded onto the web and has been making its rounds. Supposedly, it was leaked from a preview that GW hasn’t even dropped yet. With that said, let’s check out this heretical leader.

New Dark Apostle Mini Spotted

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Looking at some kind of Chaos preview, there’s a Dark Apostle leading his forces from the front.

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Zooming in a bit more, we can see that there are a few new rumor engine bits that are confirmed!

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In the hand of the Dark Apostle, his warp-fueled book has blue flames coming from the pages.

The Dark apostle is kind of hunched forward in the preview, but you can make out the small mount on his backpack full of candles! That’s two whole rumor engines down on one character.

Now, do you see the underlings to his left and right? One is carrying some kind of censor and the other, a book strapped to his back.

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rumor engine 8-28-18 Chaotic Hot Head: This Week's Rumor Engine SPOTTED

Both of his sidekicks are carrying along the preaching materials he might need in the thick of combat.

First Spotted on the Cover of Vigilus Ablaze

vigilus ablaze unit

Looking at the cover of Vigilus Ablaze, you can see a Dark Apostle standing next to Abaddon. The art is similar to the way the model is posed. However, we don’t see his little attendants anywhere.

All in all, it’s been surprising to see four whole new rumor engines loaded onto one unit. With that said, what do you think his little followers will be able to do? Will they be ablative wounds for the Apostle? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.