Hiding in the 40k Previews: Chaos Lord Discordant SPOTTED

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This was hiding in plain sight all along! Don’t miss the amazing new Chaos Lord Discordant kit that is coming our way soon for Warhammer 40k.

Warhammer Community previewed a new character coming to Chaos that completely blindsided us. The Lord Discordant actually has quite a few rumor engine bits on him that we thought were coming to all kinds of multiple units. Turns out, he’s just got a lot going on!

A dark and terrible monster has been hiding in the midst of the Chaos previews. The new Lord Discordant has finally been spotted and it’s magnificent.

The Lord Discordant

lord discordant

Lords Discordant are Chaos Space Marines who have a sinister, arcane mastery over machinery, similar to Warpsmiths in their training and fell purpose. However, while Warpsmiths are generally found behind their mechanical charges, enacting repairs, Lords Discordant prefer to lead from the front, fighting from the backs of scuttling Daemon Engines known as Helstalkers.

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lord discordant 3

Behold the new HQ option that is coming out of the blue for Chaos. It’s a cross between a Chaos Lord and a Maulerfiend! The rider is The Lord Discordant and his mount is a Helstalker. It looks to be coming in two similar variants. You’ll be able to change around the weapon hanging on the side as well as the face of the mutated machine.

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The weapon choices you can pick from are a tricked-out autocannon and an extra spicy flamer!

discordant weapons

An 18″ range on a two-damage flamer is no joke. Between Abaddon and the new Lord Discordant, you’ll be hard-pressed to find the points to fit both of them in your list!

Warhammer Community was nice enough to give us a taste of his rules too!

Lord Discordant on the Table

aura of discord

Bringing a Lord of Discord will allow you to prey on heavy-mechanized lists. Dreadnoughts, Killa Kans, Knights, etc will be hitting a bit worse while your Daemon Engines are hitting even better! Remember, you can always pop the Daemon Forged stratagem and reroll everything.

Because this guy is a fancy Warpsmith riding an abomination, we feel like he’ll have about the same damage output as a Maulerfiend. He’ll probably naturally hit a little bit better (like a 2+) because of his HQ slot as well as his own aura.

lord discordant vigilus

Would you believe that he was sitting in the open of the Vigilus cover all along? We initially just blew him off as a Venomcrawler. But boy were we wrong!

What do you think about the Lord Discordant model? Has this inspired you to run a Daemon Engine-themed army? Will you be running a couple of these guys or Abaddon? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.