Highly Exceptional Individuals: Rogue Trader LORE

By Tim Roberts | September 15th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News

Rogue Trader Feature

Come and find out exactly what life is like for a lucrative Space Pirate in the 41st millennium in today’s Warhammer 40k Lore.

The Galaxy is full of well-off Space Pirates known as Rogue Traders that are out to make a name for themselves. Today we are going to see what motivates them other than coin.

Via: Lexicanum Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader is a combination of freelance explorer, conquistador and merchant. They are Imperial servants, given a ship, a crew, a contingent of marines or Guardsmen and carte blanche to roam the worlds beyond Imperial control.

In their task of exploring and exploiting uncharted regions of the galaxy, Rogue Traders might come across worlds harbouring long forgotten human civilisations which will be incorporated into the Imperium. Other times they find empty or alien-dominated planets ripe for colonisation or exploitation.Rogue Trader

All Rogue Traders are highly exceptional individuals who are driven to success even though these exceptional people often have extreme character quirks themselves; some destroy entire worlds for the slightest reason, or include alien warriors and mutants among their entourage. Some are highly pious while others are no more than legitimised pirates.

One infamous Rogue Trader was Jan van Yastobaal, who became little more than a desperado plundering whatever world he came uponRogue Trader Captian

Rogue Traders are often flamboyant individuals, commonly dressed in the most extravagant finery they can acquire. However, each Rogue Trader is a unique individual from a particular background, some newly created Rogue Traders come from backgrounds such as the Imperial Guard, the Imperial Navy, the Merchant Fleets, the Administratum or even the Inquisition where they will have developed unique outlooks and approaches to situations. RogueTrader ShipSome Rogue Traders are relatively poor, possessing a single ancient and dilapidated ship. Others are incredibly wealthy and powerful and have whole fleets and entire private armies at their disposal. Certain favoured individuals may even call upon detachments of Space Marines having entered pacts with individual Chapters. Some Rogue Traders operate as mercenaries, renting the service of their ship(s).

The most valuable possession of a Rogue Trader family is a Warrant of Trade; an ancient legal document which describes the accepted limits of its operations. These charters are hereditary thus creating a Rogue Trader dynasty. These dynasties are granted a personal coat of arms identifying them amongst the Imperial elite.Rogue Trader

Rogue Traders are empowered with the authority to travel freely within the Imperium and beyond, this allows them to interact with cultures for which contact with is normally forbidden, be they non-Imperial human worlds or Xenos-controlled planets. Not only that, but Rogue Traders are granted the permission and freedom to deal with these cultures as they see fit, so long as it is in the interests of the Imperium. Upon stepping on a non-Imperial world, the Rogue Trader may claim it for the Imperium by uttering:

“I claim this world for the Emperor of Humanity and his Imperium. I bring justice and truth for the loyal. Punishment and death for the guilty.

Rogue Trader Ship

Find Out More About The Rogue Trader!