Hobby Report Twitch Stream & Chaos Giveaways TONIGHT

By Rob Baer | December 5th, 2016 | Categories: Twitch, Videos, Warhammer 40k News


Don’t miss the debut of the hobby’s newest Twitch stream tonight for insightful news and of course all sorts of give-aways!

The Spikey Bits Hobby Report is here and is your weekly resource to help keep your hobby muscles strong!

muscles flex

Don’t miss the debut tonight at 9 Eastern time on Twitch that will feature new Chaos rules, with a sprinkle of live product unboxings, hobby tutorials, and giveaways to boot!

We’re giving away the new Thousand Sons releases tonight on Stream, so don’t miss it!


It all starts tonight, and you can get a raffle ticket just for following us on there right, meow:


Spikey Bits Twitch Channel