Ever wonder what 30,000 points of Space Marines looks like? Well, this is it, this is what it sounds like when the Emperor cries. Don’t miss these Astartes!
Today’s Hobbiest-Interuptus is brought to you by Dice Zone which has just unleashed this video upon the world. I’ll be honest, the video itself hurt my eyes, but it’s worth taking a look at because when the camera slows down a bit you can see some really amazing work that’s been done on this army.
I heard you like Special Characters.
She thinks my tracks are sexy.
Kenny says we suck, but damn do we look sexy.
Rhino Chassis? yeah, we go that.
Is that your Dragon or are you just happy to see me?
It’s full of Marines
Liberians assemble
If that’s got your Hobby Muscle tingling, check out the Link to the sweet display.
Make sure to checkout their YouTube channel too!