Horus Heresy Book VIII Delayed To 2018?

blood angels red thirst editionThere’s a new rumor floating around stating that Horus Heresy book eight Angelus won’t be released until 2018. Come see the latest on Forge World’s finest.

The latest rumor spotted on Bolter & Chainsword brings out some good points on what could have caused this delay.

Remember folks, this is a rumor so don’t forget to add some salt.

salt pile

Mentioned in the Geno-Five-Two podcast at around 1:40:52.
You can find it here https://m.soundcloud…-path#t=1:40:52

Basically, as the title states, the case may be that we’re not getting book 8 until Dec 2018.

I personally don’t have a problem with this when we take in account everything that happened in FW over the last year, from resources being transfered over to specialist games to the untimely passing of Alan Bligh.

It does make it far more likely that we will see a lot of catch-up units in the meantime, Fulmentarus, Dorn, Alpharius, etc etc.

So, if the rumors are correct, it looks like we’ll be getting Horus Heresy: Angelus sometime in December, of 2018. This is completely understandable with the loss of Alan Bligh and resources being moved around to help out with specialist games.

We got a summary of what Angelus is going to hold inside the covers back in February during the Horus Heresy Weekender.

Horus Heresy Magnus

Who’s in the book:

  • The Blood Angels Legion
  • The Dark Angels Legion
  • Daemons
  • The Dark Mechanicum
  • The Night Lords Legion

What goes on in the book:

  • Several narratives concerning the campaigns and battles of the Blood Angels and the Dark Angels through the early Horus Heresy and the Age of Darkness.
    • Signus Prime
    • The Thramas Crusade
    • The Persecution of Sarum
    • The Siege of Baal
    • The Passage of the Angel of Death
  • Background and history for the Dark Angels and Blood Angels
  • The Rise of the Dark Mechanicum
  • Daemons and Diabolism in the Horus Heresy!
  • New rules for the:
    • Blood Angels and Dark Angels
    • Night Lords
    • Dark Mechanicum
    • Daemon units

Angelus-1 book VIIIAngelus-1 book VIIIAngelus-1 book VIII

As of now this is the latest we’ve heard on the Horus Heresy: Angelus book, hopefully we’ll hear more from Forge World sometime soon.

Do you mind waiting until December for the next book? Or is it something you were really looking forward to getting sooner?

Death Guard

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