Hot New Death Guard Models Revealed in 8th Edition Art?

death guard nurgle chaos hor

Games Workshop just revealed new art for 8th edition, but did they just show unrevealed units as well? Come check check it and you be the judge.

The new artwork may have just revealed some new units for Death Guard that we haven’t seen yet?

New Death Guard Units

After we saw the art above, we remembered this little gem below showing what may be some unseen units that were spotted during a seminar at Warhammer Fest last weekend.

Photo courtesy of 40k Leaks

Is that a new Nurgle flyer, dreadnought, and/ or tank beast? These could of course be conversions, but we did see a tank in the background of a picture this weekend for the Ultramarines as well… and we all know how that one went with the unveiling of the Primaris Repulsor.

Space Marine Repulsor

Are we going to be seeing an announcement for Nurgle models above in the near future? Or are these models just a strange coincidence of some amazing conversions being spotted over the weekend at Warhammer fest when the 40k hype train is at it’s strongest?

What are your thoughts on the new artwork and possible units? Let us know in the comments below.

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