How Big Is Sister of Battle Amalia Novena? 40k Unboxing & Build

Don’t miss our unbox and build of the first of the new Plastic Sisters of Battle for 2019 as we compare it to other minis out there!

It has begun! Games Workshop has released the first of the new plastic Sisters line for their limited Warhammer Day celebration. Join us are we crack open this new mini and assemble it.

Don’t miss what you will get for your hard earned hobby dollars!

Sister Superior Amalia Novena: $35

Get Yours For Less From Minature Market!


The new Sister Superior Amalia Novena comes in at the standard $35 dollar character price but, has been heavily allocated to friendly local game stores across the globe. She is rumored to go up for sale next week on the Games Workshops site. So, if you plan on playing Sisters of Battle when the new line drops later this year you might want to act now.

We expect that this mini will not be available when the rest of the army hits the shelves, but you never really know…


Along with this single sprue miniature, Games Workshop has added a small poster of the clip art that this mini is based on. This poster is folded twice and measures roughly 8 1/2″ by 11″. It’s a very cool and unexpected addition to this special release miniature.

The Miniature:


As you can see this model is pretty straight forward as far as assembly goes.  All the seams are hidden well and GW has definitely gotten better over the years about hiding seams. This mini has a lot of customizable options; both arms, the head, and backpack all look like they could be substituted for other bits with minimal work.


Here she is standing beside the living saint herself. From the picture above, there is no doubt that Amalia Novena is full of amazing detail! So if you are planning on picking up the new Sisters releases this year, you better be ready to paint a lot of detail, because this mini has a ton of it.

That being said this model is truly amazing, and we can’t wait to see what GW has planned next for the Sisters of Battle.

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and check out our Sister Superior Unbox & Build video below!