How Big Is The 40k Necromunda Ambot? Unbox & Build

By Tim Roberts | March 11th, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

Don’t miss our unbox and build of the Ambot as we compare it to other minis out there and give you our thoughts on the design!

There is a gold mine of bits in this new box! Follow along as we take look inside the box, and build the new hotness for Necromunda. Today we crack the seal on the new Luther Pattern Excavation Automata, and see how easy it would be to port over some of these new bits to your Warhammer 40k conversions.

Let’s dive in, the new Ambot two pack is here!

Luther Pattern Excavation Automata “Ambot”: $40

Get Yours For less From Miniature Market!



So, as you can see the new Ambots come two to a pack and retail for forty dollars US. These minis come on forty-millimeter bases and comparable in size to a Space Marine Centurian. One of the best parts about this kit is the fact that there aren’t any of the standard computer slices present in its design. Which instantly makes this kit super useful to other game systems as well.


The Ambot kit itself comes with two identical sprues. So one may wonder how the two bots look so different if the sprues are identical.  The answer is Games Workshop has added multiple bit options in this kit so you can pick and choose poses.  Which is awesome because it leaves you with plenty of bits left over for converting other minis in the future.

In our unboxing video below Rob pours over the assembly instructions to show you exactly what bits you will have left over, and compares it to a slew of other Warhammer minis out there.

Let’s get this bot built and ready for the tabletop.


Here he is folks! As you can see the Ambot is an amazing miniature and has a lot of hobby potential. Make sure you check the video below to see Rob compare this new mini to the Ambull, a Titanicus Warhound Titan, and more!

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and check out our unboxing and build video below!