How Good Are They In Game? New AOS Bundles Breakdown

fantasy-walpaper1 khorne sigmar chaos warrior

It’s winter and all the retailers are trying to get your hard earned cash. Come see the points breakdown of the new AoS bundles!

Games workshop is no different and so they have offered a fantastic deal on 4 different battle forces: Stormcast Eternals, Ironjawz, Sylvaneth, and Khorne Bloodbound.

Let’s break down these boxes beyond the cost savings and see which one you should ask old Saint Nick for.


Stormcast Eternals: 19 miniatures 1220 – 1140 points
• Celestant Prime (360 points leader)
• Knight Azyros (100 points leader)
• Dracoth Riders (2) (concussors 280, desolators fulminators and temestors 240) no unit type

• 5 Paladins (Concussors, Desolators, or Fulminators) 280 points – 240 points – no unit type
• 10 Liberators (200 points, battle line 1 of 2+ or 2 of 2+ if you split them into two units of 5)

So outside of the celestant prime I am not a huge fan of this set, coming in at 1220 – 1140 points, depending on how you build your dracoth riders. It is a solid list with the liberators being very good battle line units.

The Knight Azyros can teleport a unit but with this list which would be your paladins, which brings the pain fast. He also adds 1 to shooting against units within 1 of him, but again, which is a nice bonud. This list is a classic hold the line, let your prime charge his hammer and bring the pain turn 3.

The problem that I have it is it just doesn’t seem like a great deal. The Knight Azyros you can get with the silver tower mighty heroes pack for 55 bucks and it comes with 3 other miniatures. Then the liberators and paladins (if you go concussors) you can get with the starter set that comes with a ton more models.

So to me you are really paying for a prime and dracoth riders…. I think you would be better to find someone selling the knight azyros online for 20 bucks and then pick up the Stormcast starter set for 50 and buy a prime if you want him. My two cents at least.


Ironjawz: 17 miniatures 980 points
• Megaboss (140 points, leader 1 of 4)
• Weirdnob Shamen (120 points, leader 2 of 4)
• 10 Orruk Brutes (360 points, must select Ironjawz allegiance for battle-line 1 of 2+ or 2 of 2+ if two units of 5)
• 3 Goregruntas (180 points, must select Ironjawz allegiance, battle-line 3 of 2+)
• Aleguzzler Gargant (180 points, behemoth 1 of 2)

I really like how this is broken down. The bummer is you have to choose Ironjawz allegiance to get the battle line units and thus give up the bonus destruction command ability and artifact. But this is a great spread out list. You can have one unit of 10 orruk brutes or two units of five with two of them being armed with a massive gore choppa (1 in every 5).

They hit hard and with 3 wounds there a solid battle-line troop. The Gorgaunts also count as a battle line troop, and they do what cavalry does. Run fast and want to get a charge in for bonus damage. The megaboss is a solid general that boosts brutes attacks near him and he can go toe to toe with most hero characters.

The Aleguzzler Gargant that can instant kill models every turn with his stuff em in me bag attack. Then he does massive amounts of damage with his club and headbutt. Finally the shaman adds so casting to your force with two special spells. The green puke a line damage spell and foot of gork that does D6 mortal wounds and on a 4+ will keep stomping.

This is a great force well balanced and even better to get into the unit, plus outside of the start collecting box there is not a great way to get these models so this should go onto Santa’s list if you like destruction!

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Khorne Brotherhood: 40 models 780 points
• Skarr Bloodwrath (120 points, leader 1 of 4)
• 3 mighty skullcrushers (160, no unit type)
• 10 blood warriors (200, battle-line unit 1 of 2 (can be taken in units of 5 but need 10 for goreglave)
• 20 Bloodreavers (120 points battle-line unit 2 of 2, can be taken in units of 10)
• 6 Wrathmongers (180 points, no unit type)

So I am in a mixed bag on this one. On one hand the bloodwarriors are one of the best battle-line units you can take especially with a goreglave and two this is a ton of models! However here is the thing, bloodreavers are not that good without a totem, so you need a chaos Blood Secrator or chaos warshrine to really make then sing.

The skull crushers are solid cavalry that really sings on a charge, and the wrathmongers can do some damage as well as make stronger enemy units attack themselves. Add Skarr to the mix who is basically and AoE melee machine. Here is the thing, I think your better off just getting the starter set side of things for this army and buying another 5 bloodwarriors for around 70 total.

Really what your paying for here is Skarr who is a reasonable 30 bucks, 3 mighty skullcrushers which is an older model you can find pretty cheap, and wrathmongers who truth be told are hit or miss. So like the Stormcast I say pass on this one, focus on the starter set first and then fill in the blanks.

dryad sylvaneth

Sylvaneth: 18 miniatures 1140 points
• Drycha (280, Leader 1 of 4, behemoth 1 of 2)
• Treelord Ancient (300, Leader 2 of 4, behemoth 2 of 2)
• 6 Kurnoth Hunters (360, can be taken in 2 units of 3, no unit type)
• 10 Tree Revenants (200, taken in 2 units of 5, battle line 2 of 2+, must choose Sylvaneth allegiance)

This is a great bundle that is probably the best deal. You get over 1000 points of Sylvaneth who in there book have special command and artifacts so you do lose out on choosing them as an allegiance instead of Order. The set comes with two amazing leaders lets cover them first.

The Treelord Ancient has a ranged attack that does D6 damage, and melee attacks that can instant kill. On top of that he is a wizard that can summon forests as well as arcane bolt and mystic shield. Oh he also has 12 wounds and a 3+ save. Bring in Drycha who has a ranged mortal wound missile attack, and a solid melee weapons.

Add to this that she is a wizard with a special spell that does mortal wounds based on bravery she can dish out pain. Oh she also has 10 wounds and a 3+ save. Then you have the hunters who always get the command ability and they can serve as a conduct for it.

age of sigmar bundles

If you want you can arm them with greatbows they shoot 30 inches, that is basically the map, otherwise they are really good in melee with rend and D3 damage weapons. They also deal bonus mortal wounds. Finally your revenants are standard battle line units though a little weak for 100 points stat wise. However they can teleport to woods instead of moving and they get a free re-roll of a single dice once per phase!

Yes so much this battleforce, it is a great starting point for Sylvaneth that even if Santa does not bring this to me, I will be picking it up and using them as allies with my Stormcast Eternals starter set…

Whew that is a lot of typing hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!


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