How Good IS the Typhon Tank? War for Tots Report

typhon paint6

Come get the lowdown on the tank that can literally kill units in every phase of the game, the huge Typhon Siege Tank from Forge World dedicated to KHORNE!

Last October, Forge World gave us the gift of Imperial Armor 13, and gave Chaos players access to a plethora of warmachines. One such warmachine was the Typhon Heavy Siege tank, and upon reading its rules I knew I had to have one. After six months of saving and waiting I purchased a Typhon Heavy Siege tank for my CSM army at Adepticon 2014 and was ready to add this engine of devastation to a combined CSM/Khorne Daemon force. But with the release of the Khorne Daemonkin codex, this project was quickly sidelined as I embraced a full Khorne Army. And so the Typhon stayed tucked away in the hobby closet for many more months…

Several months ago John Brock announced the 6th Annual War for Tots tournament at Hit Point Hobbies in Aberdeen, NC. This is a great tournament that raises a lot of money for the Toys for Tots charity and is a must-attend event for me. I wanted to play Daemonkin at this event, but with Warzone Atlanta not too long in the books, I really wanted to try something different. And so, I contacted John to see if he would let me use a Typhon Heavy Siege Tank in a Daemonkin Army at his event. There is no FW FAQ on this, but given the release of the Kytan and the Chaos Knight for Daemonkin, there is a precedent for Daemonkin to have access to other units than what is in their codex, and for these units to have the Blood for the Blood God! Special rule. To my surprise he agreed! And suddenly with an army in which to use the Typhon, I set to work right away building and painting it in true Khorne fashion, and this list was born!

Blood Host Detachment:

Bloodthirster, Warlord
8 Bloodletters
8 Bloodletters
5 Possessed
5 Spawn
5 Spawn

5 Flesh Hounds
5 Flesh Hounds
3 Bikes, Melta bombs
3 Bikes, Melta bombs

Combined Arms Detachment:

Herald of Khorne

8 Cultists
8 Cultists

Lord of War
Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
Armoured Ceramite
Las-cannon Sponsons
Havok Launcher

Clocking in at 1850, this list was everything I wanted to play. It allowed me to test out the Bloodhost Detachment, something I had not yet done, and have lots of small support units for the Typhon. It also was NOT spamming flesh hounds, like some of my other lists, and there was not a D-thirster in sight. Overall it struck me as pretty balanced and I couldn’t wait to try it out.

Tournament Day:

I was able to get 3 great games against 3 stellar opponents and had a TON of fun in every game with the list. Over the course of the day I played against a Sisters of Battle Army in Drop Pods in round 1, a pure necron list in round 2, and a Eldar/Dark Eldar list in round 3. Each game was quite different and though my margin of victory was never quite that high, I managed to pull out a win in all 3 games and come in 4th overall. But how did the various units end up doing? Let’s take a look:

The Slaughtercult: This is grouped together because you honestly have to look at this formation as a whole. While some of its parts may look weak on paper, in practice the ability to give all these units 2 blood tithe rewards is simply incredible. I was skeptical at first, but wow, no more. The Slaughtercult is an amazing formation and turned all of its units into absolute beasts. I could not have won all my games without it and literally EVERY SINGLE UNIT in the slaughtercult was absolutely crucial to victory throughout the game. Especially vs the Eldar in round 3.

The Gorepack: Ah yes, the gorepack. I know it well. It seriously may be the best formation in 40k, and it is a perfect complement to  the slaughtercult, and a great combo to fill out a blood host.

The Typhon: While in a CAD, let’s be honest, the CAD was there to take the Typhon. While the Herald and Cultists were crucial to victory against the eldar, the Typhon was a game-dominating beast in every game. Generating Blood Points with this thing was AMAZING! And even when it didn’t earn its points back purely with units destroyed, it totally changed how my opponent played and worked perfectly with the small assault units in the list. The fact that the Typhon can destroy multiple units in both the movement and shooting phases makes it a perfect unit for Daemonkin. In Round 1 vs the drop pod army, I bore the brunt of a brutal turn 1 drop, but the Typhon went on a rampage on turn 2 and changed the game when it was able to kill a unit with thunderblitz, its dreadhammer cannon, a lascannon, and a multi-melta all in the same turn, earning me 4 blood points!

The tournament was an absolute blast.  I sincerely thank John Brock and the people at Hit Point Hobbies for putting on a truly great tournament. We were able to get in a full day of gaming and with 34 players in attendance were able to raise over $1200 for Toys for Tots between entry fee, raffle tickets, model auctions and donations. It was a great day, and I encourage all of you who can to attend this event next year. It is quickly growing into something special, and the more attendees there are, the more we can raise for charity!

I also have to thank John Brock for letting me use the Typhon with my Daemonkin army. The list was SUPER fun to play, one of the most fun Chaos lists I have ever played, and being able to play the Typhon with Daemonkin really motivated me to finally build and paint the model. Let’s hope that FW puts an FAQ out soon, or more TOs are as open minded as John, so that more daemonkin players will be able to add the might of other Imperial Armour units to their armies and enjoy the extra hobby time it takes to make such units servants of the Skull Throne!
