How to Make Your Own Plastic 40k Thunderhawk

Plastic ThunderhawkWith all the talk of plastic kits, we wanted to take a look back at how to convert a plastic 40k scale Thunderhawk!

Richard Powell has posted some amazing models in the past over on the  Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Page, and they have all been phenomenal (remember this lil’ guy too).

Thunderhawk conversionI think Richard may be a ‘Master Builder’ from LEGO in disguise. Whatever the case thanks so much for sharing this with us Richard. It’s by far the best one I’ve seen yet!

He was even kind enough to post his pics as he built it to help make this spectacular Thunderhawk Conversion. While it’s not 100% step by step, it does show all the angles, tells you the kits to use, and hopefully gives some great inspiration!

How to Make Your Own Plastic 40k Thunderhawk

Plastic Thunderhawk


Plastic Thunderhawk


Plastic Thunderhawk


Plastic ThunderhawkSome of you asked about the build plans for my Icarus Pattern Thunderhawk that was posted earlier. I’m not sure I still have a link to those, as they were sent to me by someone else. I do remember that I ended up deviating from them significantly because I wasn’t satisfied with how it looked (it looked like a daisy chain of Storm Ravens and Rhino).

That, and I just wanted to inject some of my own design aesthetic into it anyway. These pics are not quite plans, but hopefully, they’ll point aspiring kitbashers in the right direction. Feel free to tweak it to your own tastes.

The Needed Kits:

Plastic Thunderhawk


Plastic Thunderhawk


Plastic Thunderhawk


Plastic Thunderhawk2 Storm Ravens and 1 Rhino make up the bulk. Wings and nose bits from a Valkyrie kit. Misc parts here and there from my bits boxes (Imperial Knight battle cannon, plasticard, etc). Materials price was roughly $250, give or take.

Editor’s note: the material cost was calculated in 2015…

Plastic ThunderhawkHopefully, with all these angles and what kits to use, you can go out and make your own awesome-looking 40k scale plastic Thunderhawk!

Have you thought about doing this conversion yourself? Does seeing all the pics help?

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