5 Best 40k Armies to Kill Mortarion

mortaion-bring-him-downThere is one question on everyone’s minds right now, how to kill Mortarion? Let’s take a look at the armies that are the best at it.

Let’s see how five armies can try to take down the big guy. If you’ve been worried about it, hopefully, this will help.

5 Best 40k Armies to Kill Mortarion

mortarion walThe new Death Guard Codex is hot of the press, and only one word seems to be on everybody’s mind: Mortarion.

The Primarch’s got a solid upgrade, trading some of his killing power for a tactical buttload of resiliency. Chad, Unit, OP, call it what you will, Mortarion is a force to be reckoned with, and you will need a plan for those games when he’s across the board.

One approach is blissful ignorance.  Use your 2000 points to destroy the 1500 points of not-Mortarion in your opponent’s army and let the big guy do his thing.

But this approach is not for Austin. who’s more interested in what to bring to kill Mortarion in this segment of A-Dawg’s Top Dogs!

5. Space Marines

multipart eradicatorsSpace Marines have a lot of good ways to deal with the big nasty Morty. Eradicators solve a lot of issues from the relative safety of 24″, and access to Null Zone is pretty great.

The Blue Brother is also quite decent at going toe to toe with the Green Brother if you are into that kind of Marines.

4. Astra Militarum

Leman RussAstra Militarum is a great pick ( Max would’ve scored them higher, but what does he know, really ) because they can play the kill Morty game. Or just tarpit Morty if needed.

Long-range, high strength shots are a great way to kill Mortarion, and the Guard can bring quite a lot to the table.

3. Adeptus Mechanicus

Adeptus Mechnicus smallSomething, something long-range, high strength.

Ad Mech also has a few ways to deliver a lot of Mortal Wounds, which are a great way to get rid of the green nuisance, as they bypass the invulnerable save and the damage reduction.

2. Necrons

c'tan void dragon on mapNecrons don’t pack s0 much of the long-range shooting, but they provide a whole lot of massive firepower and have more than a few mechanics that give +1 to wound, rather than requiring high strength.

The Crons also have access to the C’Tans, that can go toe to toe with Morty for a few rounds.


Chaos MarinesAnd no, it’s not just BYOM.

Although bringing your own Mortarion is viable, Chaos has a plethora of better ways to deal with the green brother.

Word Bearers with an un-deniable Death Hex is by far a great tool, but chaos also has access to a lot of long-range shooting, powerful close combat units, and almost endless access to Mortal Wounds.

A-Dawg’s Top Dogs is a regular segment in The Mismatched Play, a Weekly Warhammer 40K Talk Show.  Catch it live on Twitch every Tuesday, or watch it on replay on YouTube anytime.

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Do you agree that these are the best to deal with him? Do you think you’ll be able to bring him down?

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