How To Magnetize All 7 Knights: Canis Rex New Bits

By Tim Roberts | September 24th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

How To Magnetize All 7 Knights: Canis Rex New Bits

We unbox and build the new Canis Rex Preceptor Class, and show you how to magnetize it to make all 7 of the Imperial Knights!

We unbox and build the new Canis Rex Preceptor Class, and show you how to magnetize it to make all 7 of the Imperial Knights!

Knight Preceptor Canis Rex: $157

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market!

How To Magnetize Preceptor & Canis Rex: New Bits

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to build a Knight Preceptor. This is a serious bit of kit – it contains an entire Imperial Knight Warden kit, along with an extra 37 components which upgrade the basic Knight into the Preceptor – and, optionally, the specific named Preceptor Canis Rex.

REx Book

This new kit comes with everything you need to build any knight you want so if you future-proof your Imperial Knights with magnets as we do then you have a whole box of extra weapon options for your Imperial Knight collection.


Here it is the sprue that makes this box new! This “pint-sized” sprue comes with everything that makes your Preceptor Class Knight including the Las Impulsor, new pilot variants, and all the Canis Rex upgrades.


As you can see they changed up the Transfer Sheet as wee for this new kit. Here it is on the right side compared to the original Transfer Sheet on the left.


Our Hobby Expert Rob Baer goes over how to get this bad boy together and ready for the tabletop. Including all the new weapons for this build and the new Preceptor cockpit.



The Knight Preceptor all put together, fully magnetized and ready for some paint. If you want to magnetize your Knight and don’t want to chases down all the different size magnets yourself then check out our friends at The Magnet Baron. They have a kit with all the magnets you need ready to ship to your door.

Make Canis Rex the center piece to your Imperial Knight Collection. For all the details check out our full Unboxing & Build video below!