How to Magnetize the Valiant & Castellan Dominus Knights!

build-and-magnetize-knight-dominus-valiant-chaos-imperial-castellanHere’s how to magnetize the Dominus class (Valiant and Castellan) knights to future-proof your miniatures in an easy-to-follow tutorial!

With the meta always changing and new weapons coming out, it’s always good to magnetize your minis, especially ones that cost as much as the Valiant or Castellan Dominus class Imperial Knights! This not only future-proofs them but also makes carrying and storing them easier.

Let’s check out how to keep your minis future-proofed!

How to Magnetize the Valiant & Castellan Dominus Class Knights!

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How to Magnetize Knights 2The box is huge and comes with tons of transfer sheets and plenty of plastic.

How to Magnetize Knights 3This sprue will actually make the difference between the Valiant and Castellan.


How to Magnetize Knights 4The legs aren’t as posable as Rob had hoped (as both types of Knights legs will basically look the exact same), but if you spend a little more time, you could actually change the legs by switching them around. However, we’re just going to follow the instructions for this one.

How to Magnetize Knights 5One quick gotcha when building, just make sure you use the right pistons in the right spots, as they are different lengths, which could mess you up. So be careful when building them.

Magnetize the Torso

How to Magnetize Knights 6

We get all our magnets for hobbying from The Magnet Baron. Use coupon code Spikey10off to get 10% off your next order with them!

First, Rob recommends to now attach the top part of the legs where it attaches to the torso. Rob drilled it out before gluing it down, making it much easier. For this, he used a 3/8″ drill bit. For the magnets; he uses 3/8″ x 1/16″ magnets actually to put inside. Rob also uses the same size drill and magnet for the piece’s other side.

How to Magnetize Knights 7Then, once you put both magnets in, it is super strong, be sure to add some extra sprues to add strength under the magnet itself.

Magnetizing the Arms

How to Magnetize Knights 8He uses the same magnets for the top shoulder socket as the torso. Just be careful when drilling here, as you could punch through too far.

How to Magnetize Knights 9Then, for the weapons, it will be the same deal, where you put the magnet down in the slot and use the same size magnet.

How to Magnetize Knights 10It actually holds really strong, and even with Rob shaking it, nothing came unattached.

Magnetize the Dominus Valiant or Castellan Knights: Final Steps

How to Magnetize Knights 11This took about six hours to put everything together, so don’t get frustrated it’s totally worth it to future-proof your investment!

How to Magnetize Knights 12If you want to paint it separately, the top carapace weapons also pop in, but you can magnetize them as well (see more in the video below).

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Just don’t glue the top armor in, and with the torso magnetized so it pops off, you can also remove the weapons you just magnetized!

Click Here to Get Your Dominus Knight Kits!

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