How-To Making a Custom Swamp Base

Back in July I bought the brand new Ork Flyer while I was in the States on leave from deployment, boxed it up and shipped it back to the desert.  When it got to me I wasted no time in building it as a Dakka Jet.

Then Hobby ADD kicked in and it got put aside in favor of other projects.  In March I pulled it out and got started.  This is my first Bad Moon model for the Orks I’ll eventually get to and as such it was kind of a test model.

You may remember my Bad Moons Dakka Jet How-To from last week, well I’ve decided that my Orks would look really good on swamp themed bases.  Using a hollow blank base, some grey stuff and some random twigs I build the basic layout for the flight base.

I primed it black and sprayed it with Minitaire Swamp Ground and Sewer Water.
Drybrushed the ground, painted the “trees and stumps” and added some clumped flock and lichen.  I then mixed some Secret Weapon Sewer Water with realistic water and applied it in four coats to get the whole area filled in.  To finish it off I added some tall grass to the base.
And here is the whole thing done.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this project.  I’ll be back again with some more in the near future.
~Syko Wargamer