How to Paint a Ton of Terrain & Transport It: Peachy Tutorial

How to Paint a Ton of TerrainIn this painting tutorial, Peachy shows us how to paint up a ton of terrain and transport it to make playing your games faster!

Peachy has recently joined the Painting Phase and started making excellent YouTube tutorials! They also have a cool Patreon, so if you want to show some extra support and get great rewards, go check that out by clicking here!

This week, he shows how you can take your terrain anywhere in a small package, but maybe more importantly, how you can paint it all quickly!

How to Paint a Ton of Terrain & Transport It: Peachy Tutorial

How to Paint a Ton of Terrain 2The first thing you need is some terrain! He’s going with the landing pad kit from the Battlezone Fronteris Line, but you can use this on basically any terrain.

How to Paint a Ton of Terrain 3Next, he picks up a Really Useful Box, as they are great for transporting terrain!

Building the Terrain

How to Paint a Ton of Terrain 4Next thing up, you’ll have to build the terrain a little bit differently. The box he chose can clip together, so he builds all the wall sections and bits that need to be glued together but does not build anything into full sections.

This allows him to transport them very easily and not have bulky pieces! As you can see above, he can fit all the terrain into a single box, so even if you’re riding a motorcycle, you can fit everything!

Painting the Terrain

How to Paint a Ton of Terrain 5He starts with Death Guard Green and dusts over the top with Mechanicus Standard Grey. This will get you an excellent two-tone base to the whole thing and takes out a lot of steps!

How to Paint a Ton of Terrain 6Once dry, he heavily drybrushes the whole thing with Vampire Flesh. Next, he picks out all the details (like the fuel tanks and doors) with Burnt Red. He then drybrushes the metal with Oily Steel and hits a ton of areas with Green Skin Oil to add variety.

After that, he goes to Medium Earth, hitting the bolts and areas he wants weathered. You could leave it at this and play games, but he will take it a step further.

Taking it a Step Further

How to Paint a Ton of Terrain 7He’s actually using weathering pencils from AK to apply some nice touches to the terrain. He starts with white and puts some military-style marking all over where he feels it makes the most sense. Then, add some water to the white to make the markings look like they are running.

After that, Peachy uses Vivid Orange to hit all the areas he wants to be red. Next, he takes Dark Chipping and hits all the areas he wants to be dirty. Lastly, he grabs a pencil called Buff and does some simple edge highlighting over the terrain!

The last thing to do is add rust.

How to Paint a Ton of Terrain 8For this, he uses the Dirty Down Rust Effects and applies this to all the areas he wants to be rusted! Pretty simple.

Finished Terrain

How to Paint a Ton of Terrain 9There you have it, an easy way to build and paint your terrain so you can take it anywhere and have your games looking good!

Be sure to watch the full video below for all the tips!

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 How would you paint up a ton of terrain and transport it to make playing your games faster like this painting tutorial from Peachy?

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