How To Paint Classic Ultramarines Miniatures: Painting Tutorial

Today we’re taking it old-school with this how-to paint classic Ultramarines with the quick and effective painting tutorial from Hellfire Hobbies!

If you want a classic paint scheme for your blue boys, this will be the tutorial! Max from Hellfire Hobbies will be going with the classic ’90s paint scheme using old-school techniques, so just an enjoyable way to paint up your Firstborn.

Let’s see how to do it!

Painting Classic Ultramarines: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

Painting Classic Ultramarines 2To start, he sprays the model Ultramarines Blue. The base will be all sand, and he will use Goblin Green for the lip. Now, let’s see how to do it.

Step 1:

Painting Classic UltramarinesIf you’re going with this older style, you want to paint the base first, as the sand is already on there. He starts by covering the whole thing with Goblin Green. He just gets it on and makes sure it covers very well!

Next, he paints up all the vents, parts of the gun, and anywhere else he wants to be black, with black. To move on with the base coats, he uses Troll Slayer Orange anywhere he wants to eventually be yellow.

Step 2:

Painting Classic Ultramarines 3He starts by painting the gun red and then touches up the areas of black around it. Next is silver; this is another base coat, so ensure you get good coverage on all the areas you want to be silver.

Then, to highlight the red, he goes back to the orange and just does a quick highlight. He also uses that as the next layer for the eyes as well.

Step 3:

Painting Classic Ultramarines 4Now, it’s time for the yellow! He is using Yriel Yellow for this, as it’s the yellowest of the yellows! He hits everywhere he first painted with orange. He tries to cover all the orange, as he doesn’t want any to show through. Nothing fancy, cover all your orange.

The last thing before we get to the blue, he finishes by painting purity seals and such.

Now for the blue, he just goes over everywhere he had some overpainting. Next, he adds white to the blue and does some simple edge highlighting all over the model. This is probably the most time-consuming part of the whole thing.

Step 4:

Painting Classic Ultramarines 5The last part is to paint the Ultramarines symbol on the should pads! The easiest way to do it is to paint a circle in white and put a line on top. Then, take your blue and just put a line through it to make a u.

Finished Model:

Painting Classic Ultramarines 6There you have it, a super classic-looking mini that doesn’t take too long to paint!

Be sure to watch the video below for all the insights!

That does it for this one! If you want to see more, check out Hellfire Hobbies’ own tutorial by clicking this link.

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