How to Paint Necron Warriors: Lil’ Legend Tutorial

Necron Warriors how to paintLearn how to paint your Necron Warriors with this easy and awesome painting tutorial from Lil’ Legend Studio.

Lil’ Legend Studio has a ton of great painting tutorials, and they are always easy to follow and get your minis on the table with awesome quality.

This time around, we’re focusing on getting your ancient metal warriors ready for the tabletop! This is a fast method, but will still get you great results. Let’s jump into the tutorial!

How to Paint Necron Warriors: Lil’ Legend Painting Tutorial

Necron Warriors how to paint 2The warrior has a hard life, as they are more or less just enslaved to be automatons, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to paint yours! Let’s see how to do it.

Step 1:

Necron Warriors how to paint 3He starts with White through the airbrush. Most times, people here talk about how doing a zenithal highlight. However, he does something a little different. He uses white to choose where the light sources will be coming from, so instead of doing a Zenithal, he picks where he wants the light source to come from.

Basically, do it anywhere you eventually want to be green. Next, he mixes Necro Gold and Jet Exhaust in a 50/50 mix with a very small dash of thinner. This is the metal stage, so he hits most of the model with this.

Next up, he uses Kabalite Green and overlaps all the white from before with it.

Step 2:

Necron Warriors how to paint 4Next, he sprays it with hairspray, let’s that cure for a few seconds, then takes some warm water, and gently sprays the model. After that, he takes a paper towel and gently dabs it off to give a good appearance of cracking on the metal. He does this a couple of times to really get the color chipping he wants.

Basically, you go base coat, hairspray, and water. Now that he’s done that, he puts Fluorescent Green into the airbrush and starts working on the OSL sections. He hits this everywhere he initially painted with white.

Step 3:

Necron Warriors how to paint 5Now he’s moving on to oils. He starts with Lamp Black from Winsor Newton and thins it down. He uses this black to paint the gun (the non-glowing parts, obviously) and puts it into the recesses of the model as well, to really give it shadows.

He then adds some Burnt Sienna and uses that for the flat areas to tone down the metal even more. For the eyes, he does little dots of yellow but still uses oil. He then uses yellow also to highlight the green glow effects.

Remember that this can take up to 24 hours to cure.

Step 4:

Necron Warriors how to paint 6To finish off the glow effects, he takes Fluorescent Green pigment paint from Hera Miniatures and puts it into the recesses of all the OSL areas.

Finally, he returns to the airbrush with the Fluorescent Green from before and adds just little touches of color where needed to make it pop.

Finished Model:

Necron Warriors how to paint 7There you have it, a great-looking model without a ton of effort!

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