How to Paint Operative Umbral-Six Vindicare Assassin

Vindicare Assassin How to PaintCheck out how to paint the Operative Umbral-Six Vindicare Assassin with this dope Fauxhammer painting tutorial.

Fauxhammer has some amazing hobby content, and if you need some sweet tips, you should follow him to get up on all your painting and conversion techniques!

This time around, he paints up the new “free” mini from the Warhammer+ promotion. He goes pretty in-depth into everything from the base to the model itself.

How to Paint Operative Umbral-Six Vindicare Assassin: Fauxhammer

Vindicare Assassin How to Paint 2


Vindicare Assassin How to Paint 3It’s actually pretty crazy they managed to fit an entire diorama on a single sprue! He doesn’t go too in-depth into this building-wise, but he does use the Tamiya Extra Thin Cement for this as it is just great for miniatures. If you want to see more tips on building it, be sure to watch the full video.

He also primes the model with Vallejo Black before he starts as well.

Painting the Statue

Vindicare Assassin How to Paint 4He starts with Blackened Bronze and sprays the entire miniature with it. This gives a good glossy metallic feel. To add some depth, he next goes to Huldra Blue and only mixes it with Flow Improver.

Fauxhammer then does a wash over the entire model with this to really give a patina look. He goes back to the bronze from before and does a dry brush to bring back out the bronze over top of that blue.

To finish this step off, he goes to Regency Gold and actually lets it mix in with the bronze from the previous step. Just keep in mind, keep this only on the higher raised parts.

Painting the Base

Vindicare Assassin How to Paint 5First, he masks off the assassin, so he doesn’t paint that in this step. Now, he goes to Dark Steel through the airbrush and hits the entire base. Next, he goes to Tarnished Steel and dry brushes most of the base.

Painting the Halo

Vindicare Assassin How to Paint 6Again, he starts by masking off the statue. Then he sprays it with Retributor Armor and does a wash with Reikland Fleshshade of the entire halo. To help cool down the gold, he puts Druchii Violet, but only on three particular parts of the halo (pick three parts at a somewhat equal distance). This will cool down the gold and draw your eye to the rest of the model.

Onto the dry brush stage, he mixes Vallejo Silver with the Retributor and hits all the surfaces. The higher you go with the highlights, work in more and more of the silver.

How to Paint the Operative Umbral-Six Vindicare Assassin

Vindicare Assassin How to Paint 7
He takes Liquitex Titanium White and Neutral Gray and hits most of the model. He wants to keep that glossy feel, so he works very fast, but this does take a few coats.

He brings each coat slightly lighter in color to keep that glossy feel. Next, he just paints the mask with Dark Aluminium and the other silver bits on the model.

Vindicare Assassin How to Paint 8Next, he goes to the Vallejo Black to get the gun and other parts crisp again, then to Pro-Acryl Bold White and uses that for the lens.

Once dry, he takes some Blood Angels Red and goes back over the eye lens. To finish them off, he goes with Blood Angels’ contrast and does one more layer.

Vindicare Assassin How to Paint 9He comes back with Coal Black and puts it on all the black areas, this will really give it a matte finish. Next, he goes to Dark Warm Grey and gently dry brushes the gun and all the black areas, but be careful not to hit the suit as it will take away from the look you want.

He does a second coat with Bright Warm Grey to highlight the previous color.

Finished Operative Umbral-Six Vindicare Assassin

Vindicare Assassin How to Paint 10As you can see, this looks great and really didn’t take too much time!

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