How To Paint Rusty Necrons Fast With Speedpaint Tutorial

Paint Necrons How ToHere is how to paint rusty Necrons fast with Speedpaint that look great in the latest Army Painter tutorial!

The Army Painter is known for having some of the best and most affordable paints on the market! But they also have an extensive collection of painting tutorials and paint guides- like this one on getting your minis looking great with Speedpaints.

Their tutorials are perfect for getting your models on the table and looking dope. If you want to see everything The Army Painter has released and their other painting tutorials, check them out here.

As a note, all the paints and tools used in this video will be from them, and you can pick up all the colors and Speedpaint here. Let’s see how to do it!

How To Paint Rusty Necrons Fast With Speedpaint: Army Painter Tutorial

Paint Necrons How To 2To start, they are going to Zenithal highlight all the models, and now that you can take characters in units, they are going to paint one at the same time! Just remember, this is how to paint very fast, so it will look great on the tabletop but probably not win you any painting awards.

Step 1:

Paint Necrons How To 3To start, he does a basecoat with the Speedpaint metallic, and this should only take about 45 seconds a model, then repeat this across all the minis in the squad. Next up is the base. He basecoats it with the Satchel Brown Speedpaint.

Step 2:

Paint Necrons How To 4Now it’s time to add the rust. He thins down Dry Rust with water and applies this over all the metal parts of your Necrons. The orange will run into the recesses and give you that rusted feel. You could use a brush to edge highlight all the models, but a faster method is taking a sponge with Polished Silver on it and just dabbing it all over the raised areas of the miniature. For all the glowing bits, he’s going to do a thinned downed coat of Matte White on everything he wants to glow.

Step 3:

Paint Necrons How To 5To make the glow effect, he applied the Air Fluo Guass Green to all the areas he had just painted white. To finish everything, grab your favorite drybrush and hit the base with Arid Earth, and finally, throw some tufts to the base.

Finished Models

Paint Necrons How To 6There you have it, a super fast and great-looking way to get your minis on the tabletop!

Be sure to watch the video below for all the tips!

Click Here to Get Your Speedpaints!

Be sure to follow The Army Painter on Youtube for more great content like this.

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