How to Paint Salamanders: Painting Tutorial

Salamanders how to paintLearn how to paint Salamanders Space Marines without much hassle, and with great results in this painting tutorial!

With Space Marines so hot right now (kidding), it’s time to get painting up your forces! If you’re planning on going with this chapter, you need to get good at painting green, and this tutorial will help you tackle the steps without much effort!

Let’s see how to do it.

How to Paint Salamanders Space Marines: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

Salamanders how to paint 2He starts off by priming the entire model black. Now, let’s see how to get an awesome marine!

Step 1:

Salamanders how to paint 3Start with Caliban Green through the airbrush and just hit the entire model other than the gun as a base coat. Next, put Warpstone Glow in the airbrush and do this as a zenithal style highlight. Then for this step, do a final and very light highlight of Moot Green. Be sure to save this on your palette, as you can highlight it in the next step.

Step 2:

Salamanders how to paint 4Now, take the brush and do some edge highlighting with the Moot Green. Next, he breaks out the black (still with the brush) and does the shoulder pads, the backpack, gun, and a single knee pad. Now he goes to Balthazar Gold, hits the Aquilla on the chest, and highlights the gun areas with it.

Then highlight the black with Dark Reaper. This is almost like a zenithal type of highlight with the color moving towards the top.

Step 3:

Salamanders how to paint 5To start this, he uses silver to hit the gun parts, grenades, and Rhinox Hide for all the leather bits. Then he does a Nuln Oil Shade on all the silver, black, and gold.

Step 4:

Salamanders how to paint 6Now, to paint the flame on the shoulder pad, he takes a dark red and freehands a little flame on the shoulder. Then, goes to Flash Gitz Yellow and paints the eyes and highlights the flame with it. Then with Skeleton Bone, he paints a troops’ single on the other shoulder pad. The final step is to put him onto the base you want to use!

How To Paint Salamanders Space Marines: Finished Model

Salamanders how to paint 2There you have how to paint a Salamanders Space Marines model that will look great on the table and only takes minutes to do in this painting tutorial.

That does it for this one! If you want to see more, check out Hellfire Hobbies’ own tutorial by clicking this link here.

Go Follow Hellfire Hobbies Here!

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