How to Paint Space Wolves in One Hour: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

Paint Space WolvesLet’s learn how to paint Space Wolves in one hour with this effective painting tutorial from Hellfire Hobbies- check it out!

If you plan on going with the wolves of the far future, you better get good at painting them! This Space Wolves painting tutorial will help you tackle the steps without much hassle. Just keep in mind this is for a battle-ready standard, so not the highest quality ever, but if you want to field a painted army fast, this is a great tutorial.

Let’s see how to do it.

How to Paint Space Wolves in One Hour: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

Paint Space Wolves 2The miniature on the left took about 30 minutes, so we’ll do a more advanced version here. To start, he does a brown undercoat.

Step 1:

Paint Space Wolves 3He starts with Wolf Grey in the airbrush and just hits the whole thing from a top-down angle. This will give you a ton of contrast with the brown, so be sure to do this from a top-down angle. Next, he goes with Fenrisian Grey, hits a slightly smaller layer from the top-down, and aims more where he wants the highlights.

To add some battle damage to the armor, he takes a sponge and Rhinox Hide. You can do as little or as much as you want here, so go crazy if you want. Just be sure to dab on the miniature and not wipe across. To finish this step, he returns with the light grey and does some quick edge highlighting.

Step 2:

Paint Space Wolves 4He paints all the joints, shoulder pads, gun, and one knee pad with black and adds some gray to highlight all the black. Then, for the next highlight, he uses straight Wolf Grey with no mixing to highlight the most raised areas.

Then, for all the gold/brass areas, he basecoats them with Runelord Brass. For any areas he wants to be silver, he does a basecoat with Leadblecher Silver.

Step 3:

Paint Space Wolves 5First up, he just hits all the brown bits with Rhinox Hide, then does a quick wash of Nuln Oil over all the black, silver, and brass. To highlight all the brown, he first drybrushes it with Steel Legion Drab and then Screaming Skull. If you were painting a full unit, he also paints the bases with these colors.

Next, he paints the left shoulder pad with red, a unit symbol on the right shoulder pad, and an insignia on the knee pad. He adds a small highlight here, but you want the shoulder pad mostly dark red.

Step 4:

Paint Space Wolves 6For the eyes, he hits them with turquoise, just a quick little layer in the eyes. All he does to finish it up is pop it onto a painted base!

Finished Model:

Paint Space Wolves 7There you have it, a great-looking marine without spending too much time.

Be sure to watch the video below for all the insights!

That does it for this one! If you want to see more, check out Hellfire Hobbies’ own tutorial by clicking this link.

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