How to Paint Space Wolves Quickly: Painting Tutorial

Paint Space Wolves How toCheck out how to paint Space Wolves quickly and get great-looking results in this dope Fauxhammer painting tutorial!

Fauxhammer has some amazing hobby content, and if you need some sweet tips, you should follow him to stay up on all your painting and conversion techniques!

This time around, he shows how to get awesome Space Marines without too much effort!

How to Paint Space Wolves Quickly: Painting Tutorial

Paint Space Wolves How to 2He starts by priming the model with Vallejo Black through the airbrush, but you can use a spray can if you want, and he grabbed the extra bits in this tutorial from The Custom Bit.

Step 1:

Paint Space Wolves How to 3He starts by basing the entire model with The Fang. Nothing crazy here; this is your base color, so be sure to get good coverage and cover the entire mini. He’s doing three tones on the armor here, so he goes with Russ Grey for the mid-tone.

For the final armor tone, he uses Fenrisian Grey and the does a highlight with that.

Step 2:

Paint Space Wolves How to 4He goes back to Fenrisian Grey here, but this time with a dry brush, and uses this to edge highlight. He flips the model upside down and dry brushes from the bottom up. After that, he goes to the sponge method, where he dabs the grey onto the armor to add some distress.

Step 3:

Paint Space Wolves How to 5Now it’s time to paint the shoulder pads. First, he takes the arms off and masks off the shoulder pads. He starts with Mephiston Red and covers the whole shoulder pad with it. Next for the mid-tone, he uses Evil Sunz Scarlett and Troll Slayer Orange for the final highlight.

For the Yellow, he now masks off the shoulder pad as he’ll be painting the shield. He starts with Averland Sunset and does a few passes, as you’ll need to do a few passes to cover the black fully.

To highlight that uses Flash Gitz Yellow in a top-down fashion.

Step 4:

Paint Space Wolves How to 6For the face, he starts with Rhinox Hide and base coats the entire face with it. For the mid-tone, he uses Deathclaw Brown from a 45-degree angle from the top. Finally for the highlight, he uses Kislev Flesh. Again, from a 45-degree angle.

Step 5:

Paint Space Wolves How to 7Now it’s time to start blocking in color. For all the soft parts of the armor, he uses Mechanicus Standard Grey. For the leather, he uses Rhinox Hide.

He then dry brushes the leather with Bugman’s Glow. After that, he mixes the Bugman’s Glow with Screaming Skull and dry brushes the face with it and the leather as well. He also paints the purity seals here with a black and cream tone.

To finish the blocking in stage, he grabs Troll Slayer Orange and paints all the hair and beard with it.

Step 6:

Paint Space Wolves How to 8For the metal, he starts with Dark Aluminium from Vallejo and covers all the metal bits with it. For the copper, he goes with Dark Aluminium copper and just does a quick coat on everywhere he wants to have the color.

This is the initial stage done, and you could stop here. However, he’s going to throw on a few more details.

Step 7:

Paint Space Wolves How to 9To protect the paint, he starts with a Gloss Acrylic Varnish, just be sure to let this dry before moving on (at least a full day).

Now it’s time for some decals. For this, he uses Micro Sol & Set. For this, you put the decals in warm water until it comes off the sheet, he then puts the Micro Sol on the piece, and once it’s on, he uses a Q-tip and the Micro Set to smooth out any of the irregularities.

Super simple. Just be sure to gloss varnish before this step! Then after it’s done, be sure to let this sit for about 3 hours. before you move on (or seal coat the decals).

Step 8:

Paint Space Wolves How to 10Now it’s time for oils. Make sure you seal your miniature if you haven’t already.

Here Ross uses Shadow Brown from Abteilung and waters it down until it has the consistency he wants. He does this over basically the entire model. Then he comes back with a sponge and cleans off the excess, but let it set for at least 30 minutes before you do.

Next, he does the same thing with Dark Rust, don’t be scared here as it will cover the model a ton, just trust it and be sure to come to clean it off later, and be somewhat heavy-handed with the sponge.

Step 9:

Paint Space Wolves How to 11For the final touches on the model, he does Light Rust Wash to actually highlight the shadows, this just makes it look much more interesting. Then he does a similar thing with Copper Oxide Blue to cover up some of the areas where there was too much wash.

To finish it off, Ross applies a Matt Acrylic Varnish to keep all the paints safe!

Finished Model

Paint Space Wolves How to 12There you have it, some awesome-looking Space Wolves!

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