How to Paint Vehicles With Contrast: Peachy Tutorial

Contrast Paint VehiclesLearn how to quickly paint vehicles with contrast paints with this tutorial from Peachy and the Painting Phase!

Peachy has recently joined the Painting Phase and has started making excellent painting tutorials on YouTube! They also have a Patreon, so if you want to show some extra support and get great rewards, go check that out here!

If you’re looking for an easy way to paint your tanks and vehicles to match the rest of your army with contrast paints, this will be the tutorial for you!

How to Paint Vehicles With Contrast: Peachy Tutorial

Contrast Paint Vehicles 22Before we get started, here are the paints used in this video:

Step 1:

Contrast Paint Vehicles 3To start, getting a good base color with a primer is super important! So, he’s going to drill in a paint holder to the bottom of the tank and give it a few clean passes.

Going heavy will get rid of a lot of the detail if you go with something other than white or black.

Step 2:

Contrast Paint Vehicles 4He will apply Iron Hands Steel with a drybrush for all the silver. Once you have all the silver painted, he washes it with Nuln Oil. Peachy then uses Basilicanum Grey on the areas of silver that he wants to be a little darker, like the gun casings and such.

To finish this stage off, he does Black Legion on all the areas he wants to be black, like tires and in the cockpit, and finally, hits the areas with silver that you overbrushed.

Step 3:

Contrast Paint Vehicles 5Then he does a super thin coat of Averland Sunset, where it either had some overbrushing or just needs a little more yellow. Next, he drybrushes all the yellow with Screaming Skull. To tie the vehicle in with his Votann scheme, he takes Iyanden Yellow, puts it into all the cracks, and places he wants a little more shaded.

Next up with Magmadroth, he draws on a few lines to continue to tie this in with his current scheme. Afterward, go back to the yellow and paint a few scratches to show the orange paint coming off some.

Finally, in this stage, he uses Garaghak’s Sewer to add some scratches to the yellow parts.

Step 4:

Contrast Paint Vehicles 6He’s going to do a little OSL for the cockpit. He starts with Black Green from Pro Acryl, moves up to Green, and finally Bright Yellow Green. Now, it’s time to paint the canopy. He starts with Black Legion while it’s still on the sprue.

He then wipes it off; this is just to build your layers up. Then, he goes back to Black Legion and paints all the framework. Now, it’s time for decals. He starts by cutting out the decals, then painting Ardcoat on the areas he wants the decals.

Next, he simply puts the decals on and dabs them down with a tissue. He finishes with a varnish on top.

Step 5:

Contrast Paint Vehicles 7To finish off the tank, he’s going to dirty the tank up some. He drybrushes wherever he wants some more grime with Steel Legion Drab. Lastly, he waters that down and does it on the tires.

Finished Model

Contrast Paint Vehicles 8There you have it, a tank that didn’t take too long looks great on the tabletop, and ties in with the rest of his scheme!

Check out the full video below for all the tips, or check the links below for more content! 

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