How To Play 40k Urban Conquest & Hobby Releases

Wondering how to play Urban Conquest, and what you should buy next for Warhammer 40k? Don’t miss all the new releases unboxed!

This week has a good mix of releases for Warhammer 40k with everything from a reboxed Death Guard set to the long-awaited Urban Conquest campaign setting for Warhammer 40k.

Let’s dive into these new releases and show you what’s under the box top so you can decide if they are worth your hard earned hobby dollars.


First, out of the gate, we get a look at the latest kit for Sector Imperialis line, the Manufactorum kit. It comes with three full-size sprues, with one being duplicated in the kit. This terrain is interesting in the fact that it has some crazy looking doors on the building that almost look like crushers or something of the sort. This new style really looks like it would also be a great crossover the piece to bridge the gap between the new Urban and Factory kits from Games Workshop.


Up next we get the new and improved Death Guard Mini and paint combo. Now, this kit is great if you have ever wanted to try your hand at Death Guard but don’t want to go all out at first. The Death Guard + Paint Set comes with the three-man Death Guard sprue that is already $15 dollars itself. Along with a with a GW paint brush and six full-size pots of paint which we all know are rising in price soon.

So you are getting good value if you pick this one up for sure.


Last but not least we get to dive into the Urban Conquest Campaign Expansion for Warhammer 40k. This new box contains the Urban Conquest Rule book, the Streets of Death cityscape map, a set of plastic ruins and rubble, and a plethora of new cards and tokens. If you remember the old Cityfight codex from 2001, then a lot of these campaign mechanics and names will sound familiar to you.

To dive into this new expansion for Warhammer 40k and get the low down on how it plays, be sure to check out our video below!

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