Imperial Knights Warhammer 40k: Codex Rules & Army Guide Review

new-imperial-knights-rulesThese are all the new Imperial Knights Warhammer 40k Codex rules and models and how to play an army with the new faction in our review.

Let’s start off by looking at the new codex for the Imperial Knights and then dive into how to play all the new codex rules for Warhammer 40k.

Codex: Imperial Knights Retail Price: $55

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How To Play Imperial Knights Warhammer 40k: Codex Rules Review

These unique faction rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below:

Here’s the most up-to-date how-to-play review of the new Imperial Knights rules- so click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Imperial Knights codex!

Imperial Knights Households 40k Rules

Imperial Knights Houses 2


Imperial Knights HousesDepending on your household, you can also get some other buffs. This is already looking decent as the Imperial Knights need as much help as they can get right now.

Imperial Knights Houses 3Re-rolling hits of 1 when you’re targeting the nearest unit is pretty nice but considering it’s only on the closest enemy, it could be annoying at times. Then though, the strat for 1 or 2 CP can be really strong if you have a bunch of high shot weapons on one Knight.

Imperial Knights Houses 4Considering they usually don’t have too hard of a time wounding, still, getting auto wounds is never a bad thing. The Strat is pretty nice though because you both add attacks and AP.

Imperial Knights Houses 5The Warlord trait here is pretty cool because as long you’re Virtuous, you will be using it every turn. Then, the relic is pretty cool as it adds 2 to the damage.

Imperial Knights Houses 6Ignoring modifiers for moving is nice, but the relic is probably the best part as you re-roll hits, so both combat and shooting.

Imperial Knights Houses 7The Honor’s Bite can do some insane damage and even in the sweep attack, it hits hard with mortals.

Imperial Knights Houses 8Moving d6+6 inches for a heroic intervention is super strong as it can take your opponent by surprise and get your big Knights into combat.

Imperial Knights Houses 9Subtracting one damage from melee attacks can help your models survive, but we sort of wish it was from all attacks.

Imperial Knights Houses 10Adding one to the attacks of all models in your army is pretty sweet. Then being able to advance and charge on your warlord is always going to be strong on a Knight.

Imperial Knights Houses 11Lastly, being able to add a dice and discard the lowest for your charges and advances is quite strong. Then for 1CP, adding an attack and re-rolling a hit roll of a 1.

How to Play Imperial Knights Warlord Traits Rules

Imperial Knights Warlord traits 2

Imperial Knight Warlord Traits

Imperial Knights Warlord traitsGaining a point each turn on a 5+ should net you two extra CP throughout the game, but it’s not the craziest. The 4th one is pretty cool as it adds to your attacks and lets you keep your oaths even if you’re dishonorable. Then treating all your 1’s and 2’s as 3’s will really help you get those charges off!

Imperial Knights Codex: Relics Rules

imperial Knights RelicsThe chainsword is pretty cool with +7 strength and damage 6! It should cut through anything in one swing. Then, the sweep attack still gives +1 strength and Damage 2, but the main exciting part is the strike attack.

imperial knights relics 2The Bringer of Justice is basically like the one from above but just stronger all around!

Knights Relics 2Just gaining ObSec is always strong for Knights, then you also start with 1 honor point, so pretty cool!

Knights RelicsThe Paragon Gauntlet giving x2 Strength and 9 damage is kind of insane as it will basically guarantee a one-shot on anything smaller than it.  Not to mention you can ignore Invuln saves on sixes- ooof!

Knights Relics 3Endless Fury is good if you’re fighting against horde armies as D6+12 shots at S6, -3 AP, and D2. It also looks like one of the best Space Marine destroyers out there.  We really like how they kept the relics from the last book, even Cawl’s Wrath!

Imperial Knights Codex: Stratagems Rules!

Imperial Knights stratagems 2Linebreaker is pretty cool for 1 CP; You can consolidate 6″ and really keep your opponent in combat. Doing mortal wounds on 6’s is also pretty sweet, but for 4 CP, it is quite pricey.

Imperial Knights stratagemsIf you’re a Freeblade army, you get some sweet extra stratagems.

Imperial Knights stratagems 3Defiant Fury is a really cool stratagem where you can attack after the model is removed from play, then the rest of the game, you have a better chance actually to hit them!

Imperial Knights stratagems 4Survivors of Strife is basically Transhuman for Knights yes please!

Imperial Knights stratagems 5Not taking Mortals for Knights is always strong, but it is only on a 5+, so it might not be the most useful overall. However, it is only one CP.

Imperial Knights Secondaries

SecondariesThis is a cool way to entice you to destroy your opponents with your Warlord. If you do, you get 5 points per unit destroyed by your warlord of the three you picked out. Obviously, you get more if they were destroyed in melee, so you better run up there! Honor of the House can also score you a ton of points for just being honorable.

Secondaries 2Yield No Ground can be hard because controlling more objectives is hard with few units. Renew the Oaths is also a bit tough because it’s an action, and you have to be within 6″ of the battlefield.

How to Play Imperial Knights Points

Imperial Knights PointsObviously, they each are very expensive, but getting meltaguns for only 5 points is nice. Plus, you won’t be fielding many models when you start adding in the points for all the extra gear and the Exalted Courts.

Imperial Knights Codex Weapons

Imperial Knights WeaponsThey have some seriously destructive weapons, as you would expect!

Imperial Knights Weapons 2They took away a lot of the feet stomping attacks and added sweep attacks for some of the melee weapons.

How to Play Imperial Knights Datasheets

Imperial Knights DatasheetsWe’ve already covered all the households, and each has some pretty interesting buffs!

Imperial Knights Datasheets 2With plenty of heavy weapons, this should really smash through some enemies!

Imperial Knights Datasheets 3


Imperial Knights Datasheets 4


Imperial Knights Datasheets 5This is about as big as minis get in 40k in terms of points and wounds. Plus, with all the weaponry on this mini, you should hopefully be able to get your point’s worth out of this one.

Imperial Knights Datasheets 6The Reaper Chainsword is quite strong, especially because you’ll be getting 12 attacks with the sweep! Then, the buff is quite nice. We’ll also show below how the bonds work.

Imperial Knights Datasheets 7


Imperial Knights Datasheets 8The Crusader is pretty good at killing large units with the Gatling Cannon, and the thermal cannon can take down all the heavies.

Imperial Knights Datasheets 9

Imperial Knights Datasheets 11The Warglaive is always a fun model to have as they are so much cheaper than the big knights!

Imperial Knights Datasheets 12The more shooty version of the Armiger can deal a fair amount of damage and be decent for taking objectives.

Abilities & Bonds

Imperial Knights Abilities

Ion Shields aren’t bad, but a 5+ isn’t the best but there are a few tricks to lower it. It’s also nice you can charge after falling back and move over units. You can see, that the big knights can affect the smaller knights with their bonds. However, you have to choose one; you can’t stack them.

Plus, getting -1 Damage on your Armigers will always be nice!

Imperial Knight Detachment Rules

Knights rulesThe more honorable your army is, the better it can perform! If you can get to be virtuous, you will get a ton of benefits; however, just remember what your pledges are, as you will gain more honor if you fulfill the oath.

Oaths 2They all have some pretty decent rules, but one of the best for straight damage is the one where you get +1 attacks and the ability to re-roll your charges and advances.



Freeblade LanceYou can still take a Freeblade army which is cool.

Knights rules 2If you are running a Freeblade, you get some extra benefits.

Knights FreebladeLast but not least, they get their own martial traditions.

Imperial Knights Codex Knightly Teachings

Psychic KnightsYour mentor Knights can generate these before the game and then can inspire the smaller knights to feats of victory!

Imperial Knights Marks

Marks 3You can increase the power of your knights with a pretty decent number of marks.



Marks 2Overall the marks are pretty sweet and add a decent amount of power to your army, but it will make each model that much more expensive points-wise.

More exciting times for the Imperial Knights are on the way with all these new rules!  Here’s all the latest on the new Imperial Knights rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date how-to-play review of the new Imperial Knights rules- so click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Imperial Knights codex!

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